Search results

  1. M

    Meet up / play mate for parent staying in woodlands

    Hi, mummy or daddy, Im thinking of organizing a play mate gathering for parent with kids below 1 yrs old. My boy is 6 mths old n we are living in woodlands. Let me know if u r interested. Location wise I'm not sure yet lol. Maybe one of our house?
  2. M

    Any mummies have baby just started on solid food?

    My boy is 6mths old and we r staying at woodlands. Thought of gathering at one's place for play date and we can try to experiment on how to cook baby food. :) .. I'm a terrible cook ... so far my baby still like it lol
  3. M

    My marriage story and I need help

    My hubby n I were married for a year now. We got married after we get to know I'm pregnant. We were delighted on my pregnancy at first but his family side has opposition when we planned our marriage. I suffered a lot emotionally during that period as my hubby was the only son and he was brought...