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  1. jasobias

    hi everyone!I am back

    hey all mummies been absent quite a while fr the forum Am a stay home mum of 3 sons r 9 yrs old n almost 7 yrs old and the princess of the house is turning 18 months soon. Been busy juggling my bows and family. A new found passion of mine,do check out my website and give me any pointers...
  2. jasobias

    Need Votes?!!

    Hey everyone, starting this thread coz i am in need of some votes for the contests i entered my sweetheart Reyna Jane Obias.Thanks in advance for ur votes..n if any other mummy needs us to vote in any other contests link up here too..we will be glad to be of any help!! contest 1)Mum...
  3. jasobias

    Eating outside with babies/kids

    Just wanna share.Was at United Square earlier.Saw this little shop called "Petite Bowl".They sell baby food!!cooked one!! Ya i was amazed..hahhah..its so rare to find this kinda shop.Its pretty small though but has high chairs,toys n books n utensils r baby friendly. My daughter had the beef...
  4. jasobias

    Any Horror Movie fans?!!

    Hey mummies, any horror movie fans?I love horror movies.Been watching them since i was a kid.I watch practically all kinds,korean,jap,malay,ch etc..hehhe My kids watch them with me at home.They actually love it n r not frightened. But sometimes they r some sex scenes as in most horror movies so...
  5. jasobias

    Is confinement necessary??

    Hi mummies, i love reading the confinement threads.It was an eye opener to me.But i never had any confinement.I am wondering does confinement really help u get back in shape faster n health faster?I didnt get the chance to go for the pre or post natal massages as well. Healthwise i am in better...
  6. jasobias

    Will u tell???

    Hi mummies, i was wondering,if u r out n u see a baby has vommitted on itself n its parents have not noticed or incidences like this,would u alert the parents? I have always done that.It seem like the most natural thing to do. Let me relate one incident few months back.I was gonna take the Mrt n...
  7. jasobias

    Do you clear your own trays?

    Hi mummies, just read abt this topic in papers. For me at fast food i always empty my tray(actually my boys do it).I trained them fr young.3 yrs old can reach the bin already can clear tray.One bro will hold the bin open while the other empties it.Its so cute to see them do it.They of course get...
  8. jasobias

    How do u dress ur little girls up?

    Hi mummies, was just thinking abt this when reading the posts fr ""wht kind of mother is this?". I have seen so many little girls dressed in super minis,midriffs etc.N when they r out,u shld see all the men staring also even though the girls r hardly 10 even.They were also wearing high boots..i...
  9. jasobias

    Halloween anyone?

    Hi mummies, any of u guys know of any parties tht r halloween related tht i cld bring my kids to? They love halloween n usually we r already in the USA at this time so they get to go trick or treating.But this yr we r going abit later coz baby is still small. I already brought them to the Night...
  10. jasobias

    Maids-The New Age of Slavery

    I know this topic wld stirr a cord with many. I was reading some posts regarding maids n how some mummies r having some problems with them. I am actually against this idea of having maids.I think it has made many people really slack,mean n self righteous.N the way the maids r being treated is...
  11. jasobias

    How old is too old for kids to sit in stroller?

    Hi mummies, have been noticing that lots of older kids..ages 5-8 r still riding in strollers.These r not special need kids..just ur average kids.I get really disgusted at the parents of these kids.Dont they want strong healthy kids? One of my sons classmate(5 yrs old) comes to school in a...
  12. jasobias

    Babyproofing ur homes

    Hey,did any mummies babyproof/childproof their homes for their kids? I saw oprah winfred show once n one of the guest was saying tht there was no need to as a child can be taught to adapt to current environment. For my kids i didnt really babyproof too.No socket covers or putting bumpers on all...
  13. jasobias

    Any child friendly restaurants?

    Hi mummies, any places tht u wanna share where it is child friendly? I know Globetrotters at United Sq is very child friendly.Got play room somemore n baby menu. Cant think of anymore at this moment as feeling pretty brain dead. Any cheap n good places?
  14. jasobias

    Mummies wht kind of diaper bag do u carry ard?

    Hi mummies, just curious as to wht kind of diaper bag to u carry ard? Right now i am carrying a Kate Spade open top one.I prefer open tops as easier to reach it to pull out stuff.N i love big ones with soft material n many compartments. Still not very happy with mine.I like the one with a slot...
  15. jasobias

    Taking baby passport pic

    Hi any mummies made baby passport when baby is less than 2 months old?? How did u guys take the pic?Must wait till baby is awake?If baby not cooperative then how ah?Will ICA reject the pic then?:err: thanks!!
  16. jasobias

    Mummies r u "brand conscious" for ur babies?

    Hi mummies, was out today at Suntec n could not help noticing how many parents splurge on their little ones be it strollers,clothes n other stuff.No doubt sometimes certain brands do carry quality stuff but this is not true of everything. At John Little there was this mum n dad with baby in tow...
  17. jasobias

    How/when do u decide to close "baby factory"?

    Hi mums, i was just wondering when u guys decide tht the number of kids u have is enuf n u dont want any more kids?I have 2 boys n 1 girl.I love kids but my pregnancies r just so complicated n difficult but still i cant bear the tot of not having any more kids.Its like will i never hold another...
  18. jasobias

    Sta home do u pass ur days at home?

    Hi SAHM, just wondering..wht do u guys do at home. I am SAHM to 2 boys ages 5 n 7 n a baby girl 5 weeks old. Sometimes i feel as if time is dragging by n other times it goes by so fast. I quit my job when i was 5 months preggers with my 1st son as there were some complications n the baby meant...
  19. jasobias

    No milk!!!Help!!

    Hi baby is now 15 days old.Had tried breastfeeding but nothing is coming out when i squeeze my nipples or try to pump.Been like tht since day 1.Dr did prescribe domperidone.I was badly engorged on 4th day after delivery n then the next day it just went down!!!!Keep putting baby to breast all...
  20. jasobias

    where has my tummy gone?!!

    Any mum had a small tummy during pregnancy?Mine i carried so small tht until 8 months pregnant when i pointed out to pple i am pregnant then they know.They will all comment..wah so small ah?But delivered at 37 weeks n baby weighed 2.92kg.Hmmm..thts really gd acc to my gynae.She said a big tummy...