Search results

  1. pprincesslynn

    Looking for Admin - Intermediate Position

    Required urgently for Admin - Intermediate Position. Location: 3 Tampines Grande Singapore 528799 Working hours & day: Monday to Friday 9.00am to 6.00pm Position: Agency Adminstrative NO SELLING / COLD CALLS REQUIRED -Able to work independantly and have initiative -Fast-paced environment...
  2. pprincesslynn

    Never Married - Adoption w/o Father consent

    Ting: my lawyer charging me $3.5k - $8k depending on the complexity of the case. Cuz my ex won't corporate. Won't even corporate to be home to receive the writs from the court. Therefore have to spend additional legal fee to go court apply permit to paste on his door, go for additional court...
  3. pprincesslynn

    Never Married - Adoption w/o Father consent

    thanks babe. i guess really nobody can help me with it. im just too lost thus come and ask. but anyway it'sokie. ive come to term with it. hoping that now the court will grant me full custody and deny visitation.
  4. pprincesslynn

    Never Married - Adoption w/o Father consent

    Dear all, writing to seek help on my case. I am really lost and could not find any information from google. To cut short the whole story, my EX was in and out of prison since my pregnancy till recently released in Dec 2011. We have not contacted for the past almost 1.5 years till his...
  5. pprincesslynn

    Child Development Credits

    they got the info from the birth cert i guess. however i called up and they said that if is not married, then no need to get the signature, just leave it blank. thats the same for divorcee. i mailed in with my signature only. so far no problem
  6. pprincesslynn

    CCK Blk 608 PCF Centre

    they will be open on 28 may for public for registration, any feedbacks on this centre?
  7. pprincesslynn

    What Enrichment Classes are you all bringing your 2009 babies now?

    i went for the JG trial. i personally quite like it. now on waiting list. yu can go for the trial and have a feel of the lesson first and put urself in the waiting list. can b quite long!
  8. pprincesslynn

    Event for Single mums and struggling young mums next month.

    uncle sam, not sure whether u did receive my MSN reply. i will be going. most prob with happyzhuo7 (:
  9. pprincesslynn

    First Year birthday - Summary of all events planning/resources/locations for 1st bdae

    My budget is abt $1k and age group of the kids varies frm 1yr-12yrs. Did think of my place before. But cuz of the cleaning all n realli put mi off cuz kids may drop food in some hidden corner
  10. pprincesslynn

    First Year birthday - Summary of all events planning/resources/locations for 1st bdae

    First yr birthday location Anyone have any suggesstion? Am starting to plan my budget for darius's first yr birthday check a few places and m rather out of budget I've about 15 children and 40 adults am thinking of just hosting a 2hr party.
  11. pprincesslynn

    Society, NPO and Charity for young single parents and their children

    the cost starts when u know u are pregnant. from gynae check up to preparing the child into the world..
  12. pprincesslynn

    Request for immediate help

    from my experience. i feel that she will end up aborting the child and go ahead wif her mums' wishes (not even sure whether isit true or jus her side of story to cover up) and then tell u 'there's nth i can do. my mum wanted. my mum said... my mum said.." serious, ive come across abit too mani...
  13. pprincesslynn

    need some advice...

    very gd qns. i actualli ask my dad. then he sae he also duno ask me to ask my aunty i ask my smallest aunty she sae nope, bcos im not married. tats hw she feel. then i ask my another aunty she sae yes, ive to. bcos bb is alreadi taken angbao and i cannt take also. and i mus return on behalf of...
  14. pprincesslynn

    Medicine to increase breast milk

    not sure where we can get it offshelf. but i saw it online Goat's Rue Capules (120c) : HOME ON EARTH: the natural child and mum store
  15. pprincesslynn

    Returning to work

    i pump 3 times a day. once in the morning when i reach office. once during my lunch and once after i finish work. usually at night my boy will skip 1 feed and i make sure i pump tat out to. so that i will haf enuff and not waste the milk by keeping it in my breast and letting it b full of milk...
  16. pprincesslynn

    Medicine to increase breast milk

    another forum was saying that hey took MMLP + Goat's rue and become too engorge, some even have very serious block ducts but heard that goat's rue really works am now on fenugreek but dun see much differeence. but i feel that the mood play a part as im back to work, i always pump for 10-15mins...
  17. pprincesslynn

    Dr. Theresa Cheng at Theresa Women's Clinic Ang mo kio

    went to her when im 4 weeks preg wif bleeding. she jus gimmie 2 shots, and still laugh away telling me that she duno where she poke me so cannt paste the plaster and so she tell me 'anihow paste la ok' and as im onli 4 weeks preg, the bb is too small to be seen on the scan thru my tummy so haf...
  18. pprincesslynn

    Transfer from TPS to normal specialist clinic at 3rd trimester? (KKH)

    infinity88: i tink u mistaken what i meant. im still under the private side, jus that under the normal clinic. the one that u thought im mentioning is clinic C which is a subsidised clinic. under clinic A,B and D is private clinic. so im still seeing a fixed gynae. bbphir3: im referring to...
  19. pprincesslynn

    Transfer from TPS to normal specialist clinic at 3rd trimester? (KKH)

    im currently 34weeks pregnant and previously all seeing at TPS. didn't know that if i take up the classic delivery package, i can no longer see at TPS, instead will be transferred to normal specialist. nw my worries is that, once i transfer to the normal specialist clinic, will i still be...
  20. pprincesslynn

    single mums!

    the guy is smart. whenever he call my fren my fren will reject the call and sae, sms but the guy will sae, no sms, pls call me. tats all. so there's no evidence that she can get