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  1. S

    New kid on the block

    Thanks thanks :D
  2. S

    single mums!

    Sorry for butting in.. but in order for the dad's name to be in birth cert both of them must be legally married..
  3. S

    How often you visit your ILs?

    Lucky for me my in-laws are not from SG :D :D :D Only MIL come to SG for 1.5-2mths to help me do confinement.
  4. S

    Final Countdown

    My EDD 22-28 oct.. coming soon!
  5. S

    How long have you breastfed?

    I got one aunt who BF her son until he was 3 man. Now switch to cow's milk.
  6. S

    New kid on the block

    My EDD is next week.. lol Anyway hope to learn more from more experienced mummies in the forum :)
  7. S

    October 2007 Mummies/Daddies

    Oct 07 mummy here.. EDD 22-28 Oct.
  8. S

    How to regain pre-pregnancy figure?

    oh my god I'm due to give birth next week.. reading all your post scares me! especially when my in laws are not singaporeans (so they wont be in SG to help take care of the baby) and my parents are both working. it will be just me alone.. no time to sneak out an exercise :(