Recent content by Shoppie

  1. S

    Chanel or LV?

    If you'r looking for unique & classy bags, of course...CHANEL, otherwise LV is far too common nowadays, unless you carry the limited edition ones :-D
  2. S

    Posting New Threads

    Hi CanCanMum, Yup, now it's ok....dun know why? I hv been posting so many threads for the past few days but only today's posting appeared leh! Wat happen to the rest?? Btw, how to upload pic huh? ...Tks in advance:->
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    Posting New Threads

    Hi, I m new here!! Could anyone advise me why I keep my thread never seems to appear leh?? What are the steps to post in the Biz Dir? Tks:->
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    which gynae is gd at c-section??

    Hi! I had my 2 C-section thru Dr Tanny Chan at Gleneagles Hospital. My frenz saw my stitches and commented that "It was stitched beautifully" becos the stitches were like veri "FINE THIN HAIR" stitches; could hardly see, can even wear bikini...
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    Hi everyone, I m new to this community, I am a SAHM with a 8 yr old boy & a 5 ur old gal.. Glad to be part of this network :Dancing_tongue: