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    helo mummies...

    Helo mummies in mummysg.... i am a 2009 mummy but not very active for a long time... haiz... i am feeling rather sad and lost.... because my 19th month old son gg to childcare next mon.... rather sudden... din expect it to be so fast.... He was taken care by my MIL since 4th month...
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    how old to intro bb to brush teeth???

    my son now have 2 bottom front teeth... just growing out... do i need to clean his teeth?? use the finger toothbrush??? But how to do it?? hmm...
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    Similac eye q 0-6months

    i thnk its normal...cos my son also ... sometimes greenish too... dun worry ...
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    similac milk smells fishy?

    yah i also realised my boy's poo poo is greenish in colour.. hee... and alot lor.. omg... and of cos Smelly!! hee...
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    Breast Feeding Shrink And Sag Breast???

    Hi Stonston ... i also would like to try... hee... but wearing wired bra during BF career won't be painful? i never try... have been wearing non wired bra cos sometimes engorged than become quite big n i think can be painful if i wear wired bra... hmm... wats ur advise stonston? i think my bust...
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    similac milk smells fishy?

    hahaha... ok .. so its not me only... hee... how abt the poo poo? i am supplementing my son with siimilac at night... his poo is a bit thick ... wonder if its normal.. hmm... at first i try friso but he has prob with his poo... difficulty in poo and like groan in pain...*heartpain* so change to...
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    similac milk smells fishy?

    dear Mommies... i wonder if u all know why similac milk powder smells fishy? or is it my nose? any one can share their experience with similac milk powder? I just switch over from Nan to similac... :tlaugh:
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    Pumping at work - How much, many times & do you sterilize pump after each session?

    Re: Pumping at work - How much, many times & do you sterilize pump after each session I pumped 2x at work .. in total only 4 x in 24hours... after each pump, i just wash with pigeon liquid wash then soak in hot water a while. before drying them. now abt 500-600plus ml per day... used to be more...
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    Drinking time

    I start my boy on a routine since he is born... at 7plus pm i wipe him n change him into his sleepsuit.. and bring him to the room, dim the lights and on the aircon... then he know is sleeping time... so by 8plus pm after his feed he will sleep... initially he wake up at 2am for feed... slowly i...
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    Baby Pool and Neck Float

    u can try i bought mine there... i think its cheaper... =)
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    Heinz vs Nestle

    thanks mommies... actually i dun wish to give till he is older one but.... sigh...
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    Heinz vs Nestle

    Dear mommies.. i am confused by some advices given by friends can u all enlighten me? Is Heinz better or Nestle better? heard tat NEstle is sweeter? true? I am trying to intro solid food to my boy now.. My mother said something abt grind brown rice with si she fen... heard b4? pls tell...
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    painful breastfeeding

    Go to Sister Kang from Mt Alvernia .. she is good... i asked her to come to my house n help me too when i had problem latching my boy on... =) she charges $80+ per hour now...
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    Will your child come to you?

    i am gg back to work soon and i worry this kind of things will happen too.... my son prefers my MIL over me.. =( i cannot imagine n i find it hard to let go... =( i cry whenever i think abt it.. sometimes i tell my son that mommy gg back to work .. i cry also ='(
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    Wife's hurt, but I still pity my mistress

    the mistress is crazy... it so cruel to pour hot oil SLOWLY onto someone and can u imagine the pain inflicted??!! omg!! My heart goes all the way out to the wife and the stupid husband still pity mistress!! HE in the first place should not go out and have an affair lor... ARGH!!!
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    Today is the 9th day and my supply is abt 50ml

    my boy is 3 months old ... i pump every 4 hourly n each time about 160-190ml... Initially pump more frequently to establish ur supply ba... for the first month or so i pump every 2 hourly... then now lazy so slowly increase the interval.. hee... jia you!! no matter how much u can...
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    When to start storing EBM before going back work?

    i am gg back to work in 2 weeks time and i have 20+ packs in my freezer... i store as i pump... if i got extra on that day i store... so slowly store so much... my boy is 3 months old tml and now he is drinking 130ml... i think depends on bb's weight and i think my son is drinking abit...
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    Go take a look!! =)

    thank u! thank u! =D
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    Go take a look!! =)

    Hello everyone!! I just uploaded my son's photos... go take care a look... sorry i am one crazy mum who is crazy abt son.. hhahaa... its so cute that i got to share it with everyone... =) i believe you all will share my joy n excitement!! :Dancing_wub: