Need to change baby's passport???

I made my baby's passport when he was 4 months old. Now, he's 1 year old and my hubby says that the photo looks different. Must I change it?

I mean when he was 4 mths, he looks chubbier with no hair and now he's skinnier with more hair.

Any mummies or daddies here face this? Making baby's passport when very young then later baby's looks kind of "matures" and change?


It's not uncommon for babies to undergo significant changes in appearance as they grow. While it's true that passport photos should be up-to-date, minor changes like hair growth or weight differences are usually not a cause for concern. Passport authorities understand that babies change rapidly.
However, if you're worried about it, you can always check with your local passport office for guidance. They can advise you on whether it's necessary to update the photo. In the meantime, you might find it helpful to use a reliable ID scanner like to ensure that your baby's passport remains valid and up-to-date with the most accurate information.