What games have you enjoyed so much they made you want to 100% them?


New Member
In fact, the title. I am sure that each of us has had at least one game in which you had such a good time that you wanted to make sure that you got all the achievements, collectibles, completed all the side tasks, just to get the most out of it.

For me, it was Hollow Knight, and I'm very close to 100% completion of Dark Souls 3. My partner is currently grinding the Bark seeds in BotW to get her first 100%. I wonder which games made you a finisher?
For me, one of those games was The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Your partner grinding Korok Seeds brings back memories! Exploring every nook and cranny of Hyrule was a journey I couldn't resist. The feeling of discovery and adventure in that game is unparalleled. Another one that pulled out my inner completionist was The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The rich storytelling, complex characters, and vast open world had me hooked. I couldn't resist doing every side quest and exploring every question mark on the map. And hey, sometimes that coin flip decision adds an element of excitement to the gaming experience! It's like leaving fate to decide your next adventure.