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  1. B

    Charmaine needs your help. Every effort counts!

    Please refer to these websites for more information on Charmaine: Feisty Princess Charmaine Welcome to all | FEISTY PRINCESS CHARMAINE Charmaine is a 4yr old girl with neuroblastoma, a form of cancer and is at her 4th stage of chemo now. Her condition is very serious as the cancer has...
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    Calling out to all low income families

    Hi there, I have recently volunteered to help people that can benefit from the HOPE Scheme. You may like to read more about the criteria required with the link below. You may also contact me @ 97832654 if you need further explanation or any queries like submission of documents , eligibility etc...
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    What is Contentment?‏

    Just want to share something which I read today. CONTENTMENT Have you ever, at any one time, had the feeling that life is bad, real bad, and you wish you were in another situation? You find life make things difficult for you, work sucks, life sucks, everything seems to go wrong... Read...
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    Scheme gives divorced mums hope

    Hi Mummies, I have read an article about government offering some schemes for divorce mums that's coping with life in the present economy You may like to contact Central Singapore Community Development Council @ 63709901 for more queries Do share with me if you are having a hard time coping...
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    Do you have problem helping your kids to brush their teeth?

    Hi Mummies, just wondering if you are having a hard time brushing your kids teeth? For me I definitely do when my son was young. It's so hard to get him to watch his oral hygiene even till now. I have recently come across a product that's known as the "tooth tissue" which work like wipes and...
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    About ME

    Hi Ladies, my name is Belinda and I'm a work from home mum that primary biz is selling Organic and Fair Trade products. Everything started with a simple concept. I wanted a platform to create more awareness about Organic and Fair Trade and I guess as I have a passion for clothing, why not...