
Infants Should Be Allowed To Cry Themselves Back To Sleep

Researchers from Temple University recently completed a study that found that it is more beneficial for mothers to let their infants cry themselves back to sleep rather than comforting them in the middle of the night. According to the researchers,...

Baby Was Frozen to Save His Life

There's nothing worse than when your baby is sick and you feel powerless to help him, so you can only imagine how awful it was when a mom in the U.K. found out her baby had a rare heart...

To Love And to Touch: A Mummy’s Guide to Show Her Love Through Touch

A mother's touch is the first manifestation of love that a child can feel. It is also the language that a baby understands the most. According to many studies, a mother's touch does not only give a baby the...

How To Break The Biting Habit

Toddlers are so adorable - little angels to the eyes of many. But they can be little monsters just the same when they start to bite. Their feeding bottleā€™s nipple, cot, toys, furniture, anything and anyone that would get...

Food For A Healthy, Happy Baby

It is vital for a baby to have an assorted diet once he can eat solid food. At an early age, the baby will learn how to eat food with different textures and flavors as well as gain the...

5 Myths of Baby’s Sleep

Mothers find it utterly confusing and frustrating when they are given a barrage of advice, sometimes contradicting, regarding their infant's sleeping routine. Along the process, mothers find themselves stressed especially when they think they've done everything already to their...

Your Baby’s 1st Year of Sleep

A baby's sleep is vital, especially during his first twelve months. During the baby's nap, aside from helping the child grow healthier, it also gives the parents their most awaited rest. The sleeping pattern of a baby is not...

First Aid for Babies

When mothers give birth, they surely will receive a lot of congratulations and wishes of happiness for the new member of the family. Especially for first time moms, the thought of something bad happening to the child is too...

Toddler Temper Tantrums

Probably one of the most pressing issues of raising a child is dealing with their temper tantrums. What might seem like a few minutes of utter cacophony ringing down the grocery aisle often seems like an eternity in the...

How to Make Visits to the Pediatrician Go Smoothly

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you can start bringing your baby for regular medical checkups to a trusted doctor or pediatrician as early as a few weeks from birth. (They recommend at least nine checkups between date...