Recent content by melindastone13

  1. M

    what food should avoid while breastfeeding?

    Here are some suggestions on the breasfeeding diet to help you: Breastfeeding Diet: What to Eat? Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding
  2. M

    Baby acne/rashes

    The bumps of baby acne are quickly fleeting evidence of the connection between a mother’s body and her baby’s. During the final moments of pregnancy, her hormones cross the placenta into her child. Among other things, this stimulates the oil glands on the skin, eventually giving rise to the baby...
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    Sex during pregnancy?

    Most women who are having a normal pregnancy may continue to have sex right up until their water breaks or they go into labor. Find out what women and doctors say about sex during pregnancy here: Sex During Pregnancy. Is it Healthy?