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  1. L

    my earlier thread gone MIA "22months old boy keep falling sick!! mummies any advise"

    Thanks to Chrystal :) ANy mummies give some advise? I tried boiling apples n pears my boy loves! Seems to improve his cough :) Thanks!
  2. L

    Mummies.. BEwaRe of this Maid...

    This maid MICHELLE MAPILI came to work with us Nov 2010. The reason why i choose her because she seems to be very hardy person and able to work. But first few weeks she say give her chances and ok so i observe.. SHe is not tidy, not organise and choosey on food.. Example i advice her not to...
  3. L

    EBM colour becomes from yellowish to whitish??

    Hi, Been pumping out since my bene do not want to latch on. As i pump out, now coming to 4 months, notice that the colour change to quite whitish? anyone knows why and has the quality change or any food been eating that causes the colour of milk to change? thanks