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  1. Fengshui

    advises on 2014 犯太岁Conflicting with the Grand Duke 2014

    What is the Grand Duke, 太岁? The Grand Duke is known as the 太岁, or 太岁星君, which is the yearly ruling star. It’s the main factor affecting people’s condition in a year. It is changed every year and same with the year’s earth branch thus the Chinese horoscope...
  2. Fengshui

    Advises for naming babies (Chinese name) with examples

    A friend in the forum asked a question about baby’s naming. So let’s have a simple and brief look on the topic. The question is: “Anyone knows in detail how does getting a geomancer to suggest a baby's name work? I've read a couple of threads and seem like mostly mentioned about zi and the...
  3. Fengshui

    Live example - Is he having an affair outside?

    In the modern society, there are many outside attractions to married couples. People need to pay attention and handle things correctly because it drives the marriage, and related to the stability of the whole family. Just to show an example how divination modeling provides information in one of...
  4. Fengshui

    Q&A - Chinese astrology, divination and Fengshui

    In addition to the background of these terms you already “know” and can search on Internet, let me put down some notes in an easy way: What’re the roles of Chinese astrology, divination and Fenghsui in people’s life? Chinese race is one of the most ancient and long lasting race in human...