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    The natural way to get a vitamins boost

    The natural way to get a vitamins boost is consuming of pure chimp super vitamins which contain vitamin A, C, E & K, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, B Vitamins, Fibre & More!!!
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    Foods with medicinal properties

    Pure chimp super tea helps much to lose some extra weight and improves the skin from within.
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    Natural skin moisturizer?

    I have also used pure chimp products to have my skin well-moisturized and like the way they work on my skin.
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    how I moisturize my skin

    Pure chimp products are good for skin. Applying them makes the skin healthy.
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    My new energy boost, also helping me to keep active *

    So I decided to cut down on the coffee & energy drinks and have been drinking purechimp super tea instead. My energy levels are great now & i’m sleeping a lot better. It’s been 1 month now and this is the best I have felt in a long time :)
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    I have no dry skin any more

    Just applying pure chimp products makes my skin clear and smooth. I am fond pf this company as they are the best for my skin.
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    My new energy boost, also helping me to keep active

    So I decided to cut down on the coffee & energy drinks and have been drinking purechimp super tea instead. My energy levels are great now & i’m sleeping a lot better. It’s been 1 month now and this is the best I have felt in a long time :)
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    Yay no more red skin/red cheeks for me.

    I used to always get red cheeks. I still get it from time to time but my new regime has helped to make these occasions rare. Drink green tea Use purechimp super face combo 2 I also kept a diary to see what triggered my skin redness & then tried to avoid these things. (I know its a pain but...
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    Oily Skin

    Applying pure chimp super cleanser helps me much in solving a lot of skin problkems. Use it to have your skin clear and smooth.
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    losing extra weight

    Below is what has helped me to lose weight. No sugar. (I use honey or fructose to sweeten things) Drink pure chimp super tea. I can’t stand green tea so this stuff has been great for me. Swap white for brown (bread, rice, pasta etc). Exercise at least 3 times a week I feel great...
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    Any recommendations for good facial?

    I have used pure chimp super face cream, it's 100% natural and costs not much. It makes my skin smooth and clear.
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    How do you cleanser your skin? I have used pure chimp super cleanser and have no skin problems any more! It's great!
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    sensitive skin

    Well using pure chimp products is a sound idea. They are 100% natural and help to get rid of many skin problems. +100 to them.
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    skin nourishing

    How do you nourish your skin? As for me pure chimp super one is the best and what about you?
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    child skin care

    You may use pure chimp natural super cream. It works well!
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    to boost metabolism

    I want to try to drink pure chimp super tea to see if it's as good as it's spoken about. How much does it cost?
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    skin care

    How much does pure chimp super one cost? Where can I buy it from?
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    redness on the face - how to solve this problem?

    I have redness on my face and want to try pure chimp natural super cream which has many nice reviews, I wonder if there are any persons who use it too?
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    skin nourishing

    How do you nourish your skin I wonder?
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    What nourishing masks do you use?