A Free Online Course: 5 Challenging PSLE Math Questions

Jerry Tutornaut

New Member
A Free Online Course:5 Challenging PSLE Math Questions

Hi parents and students, I will like you to try out these 5 challenging PSLE Math questions. These questions frequently appear in past PSLE math papers or school exam papers.

1. At first, John had some $10 notes and $2 notes in the ratio of 3 : 8. After exchanging two $10 notes for $2 notes, the ratio of $10 notes to $2 notes became 1 : 3. Find the amount of money John had.

2. A farmer has some chickens and ducks. If he sells 2 chickens and 3 ducks every day, there will be 50 chickens left when all the ducks have been sold. If he sells 3 chickens and 2 ducks every day, there will be 25 chickens left when all the ducks have been sold.
a) how many ducks are there?
b) how many chickens are there ?

3. 1 kg of cherries cost $0.50 more than 1 kg of grapes. Mr Tan collected $312 for selling some cherries and grapes. He sold ¾ as much cherries as grapes. The total amount collected from the sale of grapes was $24 more than the amount collected from the sale of cherries.
a) Find the mass of grapes sold.
b) Find the cost of 1kg of cherries.

4. Jim bought some chocolates and gave half of it to Ken. Ken bought some sweets and gave half of it to Jim. Jim ate 12 sweets and Ken ate 18 chocolates. The ratio of Jim’s sweets to chocolates became 1 : 7 and the ratio of Ken’s sweets to chocolates became 1:4. How many sweets did Ken buy?

5. There are 85 plates of fried noodles for 80 people. Each adult eats 2 plates of fried noodles and every 3 children share 1 plate of fried noodles. How many adults and how many children are there?

If you want to know the solutions for these 5 questions, you can enrol your child them in this free online course: 5 Challenging Questions: PSLE Math Free Online Course