
Rae: What milk powder are you giving Rac?

Has any one tried Nestle Nutren Junior? It's meant for tube feeding for 1 -10 year olds.

Pediasure is also for tube feeding cos of its complete nutrition but it's so sweet Vera keeps farting. Also think that its high sugar content could be making her feel lethargic.
yummymummy... u are feeding vera oni pediasure? i tot you cant feed too much pediasure? and i also din noe there is a tube feeding milk. i've oni given rac two types of milk so far, dumex step 1 and 2, and we stopped there. rac has been on dumex step 2 (6mths up) since she was less than a year old. somehow, she's managed to put on good weight so doc told us no need to change milk. besides, its the cheapest milk available so we are so happy she is taking it well. like i said previously, on top of this i add in other things like dumex all-in-one (cos got veg and fruits), bottle puree, cereal, brown rice, soy, liquid vits, aloe vera. so when got discount, i buy in cartons. somebody ask me if i hv twins. ha! no choice, milk prices kept going up, and rac is taking a tin a wk cos she has 5 feeds of 210mls.

xiaochuan... juz rem that by caring for her, feeding and suctioning, you are showering her love, juz like you would if she was normal. we are caring for our children juz like other parents are caring for normal children, juz tat the things done are different.