Are you enjoying your country losing the "war on drugs" (as in weed)?


I may sound too definite, but I am against the legalization of marijuana. I support legalization for medical purposes only. I understand that there are people who need marijuana to maintain physical and mental health. In all other cases, people can live just fine without it. The thing is that I have a very negative attitude towards this because of my brother. His addiction began with regular marijuana. Later, this was not enough for him, and he switched to hard drugs. In doing so, he destroyed his life and ours. We still managed to save him with the help of the clinic, where psychologists worked with him and persuaded him to undergo treatment. So I will never support the legalization of marijuana.
Although many people think drugs are bad, there are worse things. For example, alcohol addiction, which is impossible to cure. Of course, drugs are much worse, but smoking and alcoholism kill a person much faster.


There is no legalization of cannabis in my state, which is very frustrating. At the same time, many countries have legalized cannabis as a medicine. There are even specially bred medical ganja varieties. And many are inclined to believe that this is one of the signs of the modern civilized world. Of course, everyone can have their own opinion on the matter. Still, I would like everyone to look at the benefits of cannabis on a global scale. I moved to another state not too long ago, and now I can legally use cannabis. For myself, I found a good option. You may also find it helpful to learn about The number of problems it can solve is just enormous. Both globally and locally.