dog and baby


New Member
How did you adapt the dog to the child? I'm very worried that the dog will not accept the child, please share your experience


Oh, all was nice. You have to adopt a good dog and all will be wonderful :) Don't be afraid. In my family all is alright and my dog is my baby's best friend.


New Member
Behind the friendship of children and animals is a great deal of work of adults to form the correct and responsible attitude towards the pet on the part of the child and conduct competent dog training. As for training, you can get the info from well-known resources, such as Therefore, when choosing a puppy, you need to decide the breed and size in advance. It's recommended to make a decision taking into account how much time you can devote to raising a pet. After all, just like a child, a puppy requires special attention too.


New Member
Personal Distance. It is important to ensure that the child maintains an emotional distance from the dog.


Personal Distance. It is important to ensure that the child maintains an emotional distance from the dog. It is calculated as follows: you measure the length of the dog's body, "append" this length behind and in front (a little more in front) of the dog - this will be his emotional distance. Observing this distance is important if the dog does not like familiarity or is tired and wants to be alone.
Don't leave him alone with the dog if the baby starts crawling. Even if the dog is great with the baby, he may accidentally knock the baby down/push him. You can open this site to find out what to keep your baby occupied, so he only interacts with the dog. A certain sequence of signals shows that the dog shows before he bites.
Absolutely agree with you.