Freemie Frenzy!


New Member
Anyone here hopped on the Freemie Frenzy yet? It's this revolutionary breast-pump that gives you hands-free pumping, I just got mine 2 days ago and it's the BEST investment ever - wish I knew it before buying the Avent. I can cook and pump, imagine that! I can work and pump!

I got mine at BestBaby Online Store - Review and shop now! , they seem to have stock handy. Other places need a number of people to bulk order.

I think I can go on with my breastfeeding journey longer now - any other mommies feel the same? :)


I have 1 too. but it doesn't really work for me cause I have some backflow issue. and it doesn't seems to empty my breast that well. but I'm glad that I bought it still. Cos so that I can still pump with I travel to keep my supply going for my baby.


New Member
Oh which connection kit do you have? I got myself the manual, love it cos I get to pump on the way to work so when I get in I don't immediately disappear to pump. Love pumping while watching a movie :)

Feel like a product ambassador!

icy ivy

New Member
mama mel, i bought from
Can use with Freestyle but modify a bit - use the Avent kit. Hihi ^~^

icy ivy

New Member
Collection cups for aVent, the whole kit is there. the seller sent mi a picture to assemble - easy.

I bought other stuff iso cos >$150 free shipping, so save a bit.


Mummies - We are running a 10% promotion on Freemie Avent Collection Cups to ease the transition to the new pricing for a short period of time. Purchase now at $110.90 rather than $119.90.

Freemie Avent Promo Price ends Oct 5th mummies - please secure your unit now before we sell at Freemie's retail pricing of $119.90


Heya mummies, we've a bunch of promotions going on but exciting news - we have Freemie Freedom in LOCAL voltage - 240v. Its units for Singapore and Malaysia exclusively - how awesome is that? We have proven to be a big market and Freemie is catering for us.

We have in stock now Freedom's in local voltage and the Deluxe set! Call 9796 5094 today and speak to our very friendly and helpful ambassador :) Did we mention there's free delivery?

On a side note, we have a promotion going on for Avent Collection Cups and a collaboration with AwesomeCaricatures to get a professional caricature at a heavily discounted price - check out Caricature.

Signing off,
Bestbaby - your baby deserves YOUR best!


hi can pm me at 98460957 with the price and details of freemie that fits with medela freestyle pls? urgently needed.