Guilding Of Hype-active children

If having a hyperactive children how shld u take care of it? Cane/beat is it the best idea if it's too over? Cos i had a hyperactive cousin as he was a boy, as wat i heard from my aunt say if he's too over normally she will juz cane him.


New Member
maybe try to reduce the sugar intake and all. I realised that if we feed him too much goodies after 5pm he will have so much energy. He will not sleep at night. Also can try bringing the kid for a swim or to playground. Do something to help them burn the energy so when night comes, they will be naturally tired enough to settle down.Cane works and i think cos my son is very active too. But then it is so unfair to them if they get canned for just being hyper right? Cos from what i understand from you, the kid is not doing anything wrong.. Just being very active right?


my DS is a hyper active child. He is under going therapy from a occupational therapist.

I think yr aunt shld seek professional help. Rather than caning him.

They have to be active and they can still learn. You juz can't force a hyperactive child to sit down and listen to you. Accept the fact and help the child. Not punish them.
my DS is a hyper active child. He is under going therapy from a occupational therapist.

I think yr aunt shld seek professional help. Rather than caning him.

They have to be active and they can still learn. You juz can't force a hyperactive child to sit down and listen to you. Accept the fact and help the child. Not punish them.
I agree. I have worked (am still working with some) special needs children, and some are really hyper!

It is important to have the child assessed to determine what causes his/her hyperactivity. Sometimes it is the food, sometimes it is because the child is bored. Other times, it could be attention seeking. Also, we must not forget that kids are kids, and their natural activeness (NOT hyperactive) is beyond our own threshold and hence we 'label' them "hyperactive":weno: I encounter this often when dealing with super-strict teachers with very 'normal' kids! So unfair to the poor child!


Alpha Male
Being active is different from being hyperactive. Hyperactivity is one of the symptoms of ADD, and is a much more serious case. If unsure, consult your doctor for a referral.


Member hyper is hyper? doesn't mean that if the energy level of the kid and parent doesn't match, the kid is consider hyper. sometimes all it takes is for the parent to be more patient before starting to label their kids as being hyper.


my DS is a hyper active child. He is under going therapy from a occupational therapist.
It is important to have the child assessed to determine what causes his/her hyperactivity. Sometimes it is the food, sometimes it is because the child is bored. Other times, it could be attention seeking. Also, we must not forget that kids are kids, and their natural activeness (NOT hyperactive) is beyond our own threshold and hence we 'label' them "hyperactive":weno: I encounter this often when dealing with super-strict teachers with very 'normal' kids! So unfair to the poor child!

agree totally with earthliving
get a proper assessment, cant define a kid hyper just because u thot so.
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