Hi MummySG, Anyone wants to find Good Weight Loss product?


Hi all,

I am a working mother of two, 6 years old and 1.5 years old (both boys)... :)

After giving birth, I have gained 17kgs and couldn't go back to my original size... I have tried various slimming products but results are not satisfactory, some of them costs me a bomb ... T.T

Working mother nowadays are busy, we have no time to exercise, we are exhausted after working, no time to rest even during public holidays or weekends.... you know what I mean..

I am taking this "Dark Secret Magic Chocolate" and it is easy to consume, for more info you can go to http://darkmagicchocolate.blogspot.sg
Hope that it will helps you too!

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Very Encouraging Testimonial!!


之前都有尝试过服用营养代餐,可是服用了5个月体重只下降那么一点,效果完全不理想,结果我灰心了,也没有再服用代餐。直到我的朋友说让我试一个全新的产品Dark Secret Magic Chocolate,并向我解说这家公司之前他们的明星产品“ Secret Tiramisu "已经有好多的见证,最重要是有马来西亚KKM卫生局认证,我老公才愿意给我尝试。
我选择了Dark Secret Magic Chocolate 因为它是我最爱的黑巧克力口味, 而最重要的是服用方法超简单!!! 三个星期后和朋友聚会,朋友说我变瘦了,回到家量体重才发觉我瘦了5kg,效果真的让我很惊讶,我真的难以相信它的神奇效力。还有一点要提及的是,我服用了Dark Secret Magic Chocolate,没有感觉到任何不适,那么我就可以继续服用,直到我瘦到我要的体重为止~ 我从未想过我只是服用了两个月就轻易的甩掉了整整13KG!!! 我真的没想过要瘦下就是那么简单!! ^^
还有一点就是我的皮肤,我也是因为服用了Dark Secret Magic Chocolate对 Cell Story 这家公司的产品有了足够的信心,所以也在期间有喝他们家的Snowy C+ 胶原蛋白,果然效果超出我想象,我现在不单只是瘦了!! 皮肤也变得更嫩滑细嫩,还有一件令人兴奋的事还有许多人还看不出我已经是孩子的妈妈呢O(∩_∩)O~

联系我们HL Group 代理: Niki Tan (65-85115868)


Dear all,

Now you can stand a chance to WIN one bottle of Bio Bright Slimming Cream (worths SGD88) or 4 sets of Digital Slimming Therapy Acupuncture Full Body Massagers (worths SGD39 each)!

Simply follow the simple steps below:
1. LIKE our page
2. SHARE this announcement post in our Fan Page
3. COMMENT: "I would like to WIN!"
4. Pray ^^
Winner will be announced on 31 May 2013. Good Luck!

Note: This promotion was only valid for Cell Story Beauty Series FB Fan page only, customer of this page will entitled for 2x chances of winning!
Please contact Admin for more enquiries.
Thank you for your support!


Note: Terms and Conditions applied, all agents, stockist or Cell Story personnel are not entitled to participate, thank you!
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New Testimonial!!

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【见证15】因为我服装生意的火伴,所以我认识了Dark Secret Magic Chocolate.没想到我吃了不到一盒就开始瘦下来了!有时候因为工作和孩子的关系所以我都会比较忙,刚好这产品是粉状直接倒进嘴巴吃而已,真的很方便!吃这产品期间我的嘴巴也是一样想吃什么就吃,绝对没有因为减肥而什么都不吃,这才是最令我开心的事(^_−)−☆
差点忘了还有人生一大快乐事,那就是现在的我时常都被身边的人赞我瘦了哦!我绝对赞同这句话,全世界最动听的不是“我爱你”,而是“你瘦了” ~!! 哈哈哈,想要跟我一样每天得意的听到“你瘦了”??立刻行动吧~
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见证陆续证明~!! 魔术甩掉我肥油~!! 拒绝一秒当肥妞~!!!

【见证16】我属于中等肥胖,但是我是属于很难瘦下的类型,服用过无数的瘦身产品还是很难把我的包包脸,粗手臂和难看的下半身减掉,屡战屡败的我一早就放弃了继续服用瘦身产品,直到我接触了网上购物,我才知道要瘦下不单只是要懂得选对产品,而也是需要选对卖家,因为很多卖家只会卖,并没有足够的知识给我们很好的建议和依照我们的情况去调整服用方式,很幸运的,我遇到了一个很有耐心教会我真正的产品知识和基本营养法,用对方法去服用对的产品实在非常重要~!!! 奇迹发生在我吃完一盒的Dark Secret Magic Chocolate后,三餐我照常的吃,我还是瘦下来了~!!! 包包脸,粗手臂和壮壮的下半身也不再是我的烦恼,我已经继续第二盒了~!! 40天可以甩掉6KG对我而言感觉太奇妙了~!! 我会继续服用Dark Secret Magic Chocolate~大爱它的口味!!! 大爱它带给我的奇迹~!!!


Dear all,
Thank you for all your support! Our Pre-order for April is CLOSED now!
Pre-Order for 1st May Batch is OPEN!
We are pleased to offer free delivery (registered mail) for those who make their order before 30 April 2013 (6pm sharp) for whole 2013 year round!!
May'2013 postage charges would resumed at flat rate of SGD5 (registered mail) per order!!
So Hurry! Order now to secure your FREE Delivery position before 30 April 2013!!
For more products information, pls visit our Facebook page albums:
Dark Secret Magic Chocolate
Remember Like us and stay tuned for more promotion coming your way!! :)
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I chance upon the Rise & Shine Facebook page and they are giving away free prizes/products worth more than $8,000.
And you just need to like their page and click here to enter the lucky draw: http://woobox.com/wuy3p7:Dancing_tongue:
Facebook Giveaway Joan.jpg
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【PM Inbox/Whatsapp/Line : Niki Tan 65-85115868 】


Dear all:

Please find below are our Certificates from Permulab, this is to prove that Dark Secret Magic Chocolate is safe to consume, and approved by KKM!!


Dark Secret Magic Chocolate is safe to consume!! ^o^


Just a little introduction on myself:

I am a working mother with 2 kids in Singapore. I have started this small FB page (www.facebook.com/QQBeautySeries) just to share some good products that I have found very effective and yet very safe to consume without burning a big hole in your pocket in order to lose weight.

I have tried many methods and even sign up for slimming packages with one of the Singapore's famous slimming salon, (J** Y**), burning few thousands but still NO RESULTS!!! Ok, may be that is my luck?? Later on, I signed up another package with N*Skin, which also costs me another few thousands dollars, again, NO RESULTS!!! My luck again???

Brothers and Sisters, you are really lucky to come across my page, because you don't have to spend few thousands to buy those hypes like me, I have done that for you!!

Dark Secret Magic Chocolate is the 1st product that I have tried which give me the results, i.e. I have consistently lose about 1kg per week on average!!! Just by consuming 1 sachet each day of DC!! I can't believe my eyes when I looked at the scale!! And my weight is still going down as of today!!

I was so happy and I want to share this product with as much people as I can! I don't know other sellers in this market, but I do believe in karma, and I am a 'Tzu Chi' member, what I want is to help people to lose weight in order to stay fit and healthy. I want to make sure those products are safe and will not compromise people's health! I have checked and double checked each and every product's sources and ingredients before introducing or listing them here.

For every sales, I will donate a small portion to 'Tzu Chi foundation', therefore, if you have ordered any products from me, you are contributing too! ^^

Whoever you are, I just hope that you have made a wise and informed choice when choosing any weight loss product. Please stay healthy and love yourself more! Feel free to inbox me if you have any questions or inquiries on weight loss tips! :)

Niki Tan


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✦✦每天只需5分钟!! 魔术瘦身很轻松!!✦✦

我叫Yikki ,今年25岁,服用Dark Secret Magic Chocolate 两个月后,体重从60kg跌至52kg!!
我的孩子都已经一岁多了,可是我的肚腩就是没有半办法瘦下来,时常被人家误会我肚腩是怀孕了五个月!当时真的不懂怎么办才好,本身也很懒惰又很忙没有时间去减肥。候后来朋友介绍我Dark Secret Magic Chocolate,起初我也很抱着怀疑的心态,可是服用半个月就真的看到效果了,所以忍不住两个月后拍照起来要当见证!忙碌的我每天只需要花五分钟就可以瘦,实在太方便,太棒了! o(≧ω≦)o


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我是3个孩子的妈咪, 在短短3个星期内, 成功甩了整整7kg !!!
我很贪吃,有时还偷吃宵夜,我不挨饿,不运动!可是,我选对产品, 跟对商家,吃对秘诀方法, 才有今天瘦下来的我!!
健康又安全的魔术瘦身黑巧克力不单止好好吃,还可以协助我瘦身, 没有任何副作用症状!! 实在太神奇了 ^0^
想要和我一样成功瘦下的妈咪们不要再犹豫了!! 立刻行动吧!!!


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✦✦选择“对的”产品!! 服用“对的”方法!! 你也绝对可以变辣妈!!✦✦

【见证25】在几个月前,我一直都在服用代餐进行我的瘦身疗程,但是效果总是令我失望,而且口味也欠佳, 看到喜爱的食物也不能畅快的吃,实在是人间地狱的感觉啊><"
直到我遇上Dark Secret Magic Chocolate, 我的人生看到了转泪点,由于我之前服用过代餐,体内处于睡眠状态,所以一直很难瘦下,体重也一直反反复复的增加!! 幸好我遇到的卖家是专业的,有经过公司营业课程训练,在他的协助下,我成功的在短短的45天内就瘦了整整12KG!! 现在,我的人生看到了曙光,女人有了信心是最开心的,我不单只可以吃到美味可口即方便的黑巧克力瘦身,还可以畅快的吃我爱吃的!! 我坚持相信,只要选对产品,用对方法,谁都可以变辣妈丫!! O(∩_∩)O~


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✦✦19天干掉身上多余的肥油!! 魔术可以让你拒绝一秒当肥妞!!✦✦

【见证26】我不胖!! 但是身上还是有多余的脂肪,有时候穿贴身衣时脂肪会不小心化身为后备胎被“挤压”出来,这种情况实在让我非常尴尬><"
我一直都在寻找着安全即健康的瘦身产品,很幸运的我遇到了Dark Secret Magic Chocolate, 因为它独家采用美国高科技CLA天然成分,针对腹部脂肪快速溶解,所以我在短短的19天就轻轻松松的干掉身上多余的肥油了,假如你跟我一样一直想往着健康和安全又轻易的瘦下,那么你绝对不可以错过魔术黑巧克力的奇迹了,即使懒!! 我的身材依然完美无缺~\(≧▽≦)