Home Based job


Hi there,

This is an internet work from home opportunity, basically posting ads thru the internet to get responses. Can log on to http://housebrand-cinn72.thetwigroup.com to find out more.

Brief intro on the company. This is an American company started in 1985, it has registered in Singapore for 4 years already. We want to encourage people to use green and environmentally safe products that are make of natural ingredients and are reasonably affordable. You can search Melaleuca using any search engine, from there you will be able to know what this company is dealing and the products range. Even though we do have products, however there's no selling needed and no dealing of customers needed here.

We have a free talk on every Saturday, to introduce the company, the job scope and the earning structure for the home base.



Hi Cindy,

I went to the presentation last Sat. Ok, I agree that the products and the ideas are good, but I got lots of questions in my mind that not been solved. Maybe you can enlighten me a bit? All my questions listed in my blog post:

My Experience of Internet Work At Home Opportunity - theTWIgroup Presentation | MoonLoh.Com

Also, I just look at their website on the Melaleuca Guidelines on Internet Usage, there are so many things I CANNOT do in the internet, so how to effectively promote this biz in the internet?

Pls share with me more. :)