How to earn just as much as an employed person but work lesser


New Member
Hi Mummies,

There are many ways which allows you to stay home and earn money like a salaried man, a few of them like;

1) Build an online business - This solves the issue of location and time, but the sales momentum is slow
2) Accept part-time admin jobs - This provides a stable income, but it is usually project based only
3) Teach online - Get paid to teach what you are good at is a great thing, but number of student sign ups can be low

That is why,

We think one of the best ways for anyone that needs to earn while stay home, is Online Trading.

There are 3 'Do Nots' when trading;
Do Not start with too much optimism
Do Not put in more investment than you are comfortable with, and
Do Not trade in doubt

On 14 March 2016, we are having a seminar by one of the uprising traders in Singapore and he will be sharing more with you on what are the 'To Dos' when trading.

He will also be sharing with you how all his traders start to build their confidence in trading with No Investment in the market.

This is not just simply about trading, it is about how to fulfil your potential and build your confidence in doing this.

How would you know if you don't give yourself a chance?

Please PM me or message me your contacts if you are interested to find out more