How to feed solids


I have a hard time trying to feed my little one..
She will only sit still and eat half the portion.
Then she start getting restless and it will be so hard and messy to feed her..
How can i make it easier to feed her..
she is 8 months old.


If she gets restless is it possible she's had enough? I find that my daughter will get restless after a while, she doesn't eat very much but I've figured she knows when she is full and doesn't want any more.

Some babies eat lots, some only have a couple of bites. I wouldn't worry... If they are trying food that's good.

Also at 8 months you can let them feed themselves fingerfood :)


Anything that they can hold and is easy to mush with their gums. Steamed vegetables like carrots broccoli, sweet potato, toast fingers, sliced fruits like melons, strawberries, bananas. It's more of letting them try different tastes and textures than getting them to eat.

Check out baby led weaning. I did this with both my kids. Partially with my son and with my daughter she had finger food as her first food at 6 months. No baby cereal or purees.


Anything that they can hold and is easy to mush with their gums. Steamed vegetables like carrots broccoli, sweet potato, toast fingers, sliced fruits like melons, strawberries, bananas. It's more of letting them try different tastes and textures than getting them to eat.

Check out baby led weaning. I did this with both my kids. Partially with my son and with my daughter she had finger food as her first food at 6 months. No baby cereal or purees.
for melon.. do we need to steam it before feeding?


Melon can be given raw:D

You can cut it into strips for baby to hold and eat, or into small cubes (around 1cm) for baby to practice fine motor skills with pincer hold.


is it because she is sleepy which makes her restless?

are you always feeding her at the same place and around the same time?


yup.. normally feed around the same time and same place.. but i am not sure how my mil feed when i am not at home..
getting harder to feed my ger. after a few mouth.. she wont eat.. but if we feed her some baby biscuit/bread.. she will open her mouth..


try asking your mother in law?

do you switch on tv or anything? I heard it's best not to have tv or other devices around to distract them... not a good way to start off for them...


we start without TV or anything.. she will enjoy the food for a while.. about 10 spoons..
then she get bored and want to move around.. sigh ...


hmm.. besides asking your MIL, is it also because the food you feed her is too dry? Or is the food having a taste which she does not like (e.g. too sour)?


my ger enjoy eating bread... one mouth after another... she will scream if we do not give her...
is it because she want to eat something with more texture?

Can we feed wholemeal bread or white bread to baby?


I think this is an excellent website to read if you're starting to feed solids! :)


Some wholemeal breads contain honey, which is a big no-no for babies. I think Gardenia has honey in it.