I have finally gotten divorced, and it seriously feels good

He was the perfect boyfriend before marriage. Very caring, sensitive. Would rush to pay for our meals. We talked a lot. He seemed to understand me very well. He opined that a man ought to be both he head of a household as well as disciplinarian. I wanted to break up with him on a few occasions, however he would wait below my flat at 6am to plead with me not to. He would appear very broken-hearted when I initiated breaking off.

I didn’t know that such actions were what they call “love bombing” aka “gaslighting”, or put it simply psychological manipulation. I had a few other suitors back then, so I guess he probably wanted to “triumph" over them.

Right after marriage, he became a totally different person. Zero talk. Zero communication. Kept telling me he had no money. Did zero housework. When I had enough of his stealing (of my hard-earned money) and lies and wanted to divorce, he cried and begged for forgiveness. It took me many years of resignation before I finally decided that if I didn’t want to die as his wife, I’d better divorce while I still could.

Just because I met a scammer/narcissist does not mean all men are like him. Most of my friends and sisters are happily married with sound-minded husbands. I can only say I made the wrong choice and didn’t cut my losses by leaving early.

More at https://www.prolificskins.com/forum/chillin-in-the-lounge/i-have-finally-gotten-divorced-and-it-seriously-feels-good