Learning Through Play - A Child's Main Job!


[h=3]"Play is the highest form of research" - Albert Einstein[/h]Oh how fun, and how important! Wouldn’t we all like that to be our full time jobs?
Many people do not realize just how important play-time is to a child. Sure they love the bright colours and the fun sounds, but it truly is educational to them. Children learn from everything they experience during the day. Check out our fun infographic below on what exactly children gain from learning :)



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Hello parents,

My name is Gwen. I used to assist in Occupational Therapy sessions for special needs children.

I am an advocate for physical-based activities as it:
⁃ improves one’s concentration and memory
⁃ improves one’s health and well-being
⁃ provides greater confidence
⁃ improves one’s gross (e.g. throwing ball, cycling) and fine motor skills (e.g. tying shoe lace, opening bottle can, buttoning shirt)

Each session is a flat rate of $35/hr.

Duration (once/ twice weekly and 1hr/ 1.5hrs per session) and content of sessions are customised accordingly, depending on your goal:
⁃ Functional life skills activity (e.g. crossing road, counting money and buying things, folding clothes)
⁃ Indoor fun activity (e.g. games, play dough, mini obstacles at home)
⁃ Pre-writing/ education (eg primary school math/science/chinese)

I always believe a child is able to better focus/ regulate with sufficient physical activities. Same goes for Adult.

PM or email me at gwendolyn2601@gmail.com for discussion and i can provide more information (eg past experiences and future plans). Let’s work together and help your child achieve greater heights!

*Disclaimer: I do not provide initial assessment/ evaluation, physical activities might cause little abrasion (which can help a child to grow stronger) :)

The key component to achieving various goals is keeping the sessions and activities fun and “child-directed” if possible. This means I allow the child to pick what we do but I manipulate it into being therapeutic and to work on the goals I have set for the child. This way, it is always motivating, and the child does not realise that they are doing “work.” When working at home, I encourage you to be playful and imaginative with the activities, this will yield the best results.