Losing hair and hair turning white since giving birth. :( Any spa/prdts to recommend?


New Member

I just gave birth 6 months ago. I ate very well during confinement and thought I could regain my old physique fast. But now I'm seeing lots of hair fall and I pluck out at least 10 strands of whites every week. I could see my hair falling by the strands even when I'm just sitting on my desk working. During pregnancy I lost a lot of hair too and my colleagues introduced me this brand Trinique which was very effective. I had no more hair fall problems and my hair was nice and luscious. But ever since I came back to work this problem surfaced again and this time with white hair. Pls if anyone has any good hair spa or hair products, do let me know. I'm willing to spend any amount to treat this problem. I dont't wanna look like a 50 year old when I'm only 31. :(


New Member
Re: Losing hair and hair turning white since giving birth. :( Any spa/prdts to recomm

Sorry I got the shampoo brand wrong. It's triquine, not trinique.