Make Herbal Teas

Steve Drew

New Member
Hello all,

You can make your own herbal teas. Using fresh or dried herbs, fruits and spices, you can create special blends that energize, soothe and relieve minor ailments. Purchase organic herbs at local greenhouses and whole food grocers. Leave a lighter carbon footprint and only buy locally grown herbs. You can dry them at home.

Thanks a lot
Steve Drew



New Member
Hello Members,

Herbal tea is also commonly known as tisane or herbal infusion, it is prepared from a single herb or a mixture of various herbs. You can add fruits or spices to add that extra zing. Herb teas can be made directly in a cup, in a tea pot, or a plunger or herb infusion mug. Herbal tea is usually taken without milk. Herbal tea can be sweetened with sugar, honey or Stevia.

Thanks a lot
William Hayden
Herbal tea is very beneficial for the health and also very effective in so many diseases. This is really good thing that we can make it at home.