Maximum injury from minimal effort!


My partner and I would ride our bikes at dawn around the bay on the days I wasn't doing my second job and loving it until I fell off said bike seven weeks ago and broke my tibial plateau (along with tearing my ACL, PCL and meniscus). I've had to stay immobile for the first seven weeks because of the nature of the break (multiple pieces), and the surgeons wanting to try to heal the bone without surgery. I have a long road of physio to get back ON my bike, but get back on I will, since I'll likely never run again after this injury. ACL reconstruction surgery is still on the table, depending on how things go.

I will, however, be joining my local gym once I get the medical all clear because I enjoy weight training and will need to get strength back into my poor wasted leg. It's amazing how terrified I was of injuring myself when I was morbidly obese, and yet slim me managed to do this! Oops. This was a motorbike-level injury, achieved on a pushbike going at maybe 10km max, coming to slow turn. This seems to be my unwanted super-power - hurting myself badly doing the bare minimum. I don't even get a good story out of it! It's a skill!

I only managed to do this because I stupidly took my hand off the handlebar to indicate a right turn, knowing full well I don't have good one-handed balance. So lesson here is learned. I have NEVER felt pain like I did with this injury. Knocked the gallstone attack pain right off the top of the ladder, and I thought that was bad (not even close!). 0/10, don't recommend!
I'm sorry to hear about your injury. I hope the worst is over and your health is not in danger. In fact, seven weeks of immobility is tough, and I know firsthand how painful it is. Three years ago, I was hit by a car, and my leg was broken, and two ribs and my spine were broken, so I was in the hospital for two months. After that, the doctor advised me to do sport physiotherapy, and I practically learned to walk again. It was tough initially, but I saw the first results after a couple of weeks. I am thrilled that the physiotherapy helped me, and I feel much better.