My 10mth-old boy on MILK STRIKE...!!!


Dear mummies & daddies..!!

Me and hubby have been worried coz since the past 2 weeks,our boy is refusing milk.Since he's on solids during the day,he used to drink about 180ml every 4-5hours at night.But now when he wakes up at night,he refused his milk.Only wants to drink plain water.This is causing him to wake up almost every 1-2hours asking for water.

We tried changing bottles but to no avail.We even force-fed him using spoons only to give up after he furiously kicked and screamed at us.In the end,just to get some milk into his body,we had to mix his formula milk with his Neslac cereal.(Lucky he didnt seem to notice this..!!). He's been on Similac since he was 6months old.

Should we change his formula?We did that when he turned 6months.He took a liking to Similac among the other formulas.

Really need your advices..We are at our wits end.He still NEEDS to drink milk....!!!! :bbconfused: