Pin Xiang Hainanese Chicken Rice Review

Pin Xiang Hainanese Chicken Rice's (品香雞飯) fastidious adherence to quality, process and tradition has almost secured itself cult status among ordinary folks seeking delectable eats at affordable prices - abundantly evident from hordes often seen making a beeline for its stall inside Bedok Interchange Hawker Centre during lunch and dinner hours. Specially handpicked birds (each must weigh at least 2.2kg to qualify for the death penalty) are delivered fresh from farms thus ensuring textural consistency meat-wise; no expense is spared either in making certain both rice and chili sauce served meet stringent authenticity standards cultivated and refined over 3 decades.

Bona fide chicken rice fans will be acutely cognizant of how difficult it is to whip up phenomenally tasting rice: enabling added pandan leaves, garlic and ginger to rouse not nauseate, granting chicken stock and oil adequate passage to effuse their essences without instigating overly weepy, greasy grains......the list of requirements continues. It was therefore heartening Pin Xiang's propositioned satisfying fluff and aroma less dreaded oily undertones, albeit a granular dryness persisting throughout.

Between the Roasted Chicken Rice and Thai Chicken Rice tried (insofar as chicken versus chicken is concerned), the former ended up one salty misfire featuring plump, succulent meat tragically hosed down by too damn much soy sauce; the latter yielded lusciously marinated, skilfully breaded flesh glazed in a middling sweet and sour relish.

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