Play Therapy for Children


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Play Therapy is a natural, self-guided and self-healing process for children.

There are many ways that children show through their behaviours that they are struggling and not coping well with things that have gone on in their lives. They may “act out” by not doing what they are told, they may seem overly anxious or become very withdrawn. Children use play to learn about their environment and to solve their day-to-day problems. They can get a better understanding of what is happening in their lives and therefore be in a better position to cope with or adjust to their situation. Play therapy takes place in a special play room offering a safe, free and confidential space in which the child is able to explore his or her feelings/emotions and inner self.

Benefits of Play Therapy includes:

  • Children experience a therapeutic relationship with the play therapist. The play therapist provides an environment for the child that encourages healthy growth and development, improves self-esteem, allows self-expression, facilitates problem-solving and supports the development of self-control.
  • Children become more self-aware. They learn to identify their thoughts and feelings, they begin to discover and understand themselves which leads to the formation of a healthy self-concept.
  • Children develop empathy. They begin to understand and respect the thoughts and feelings of others.
  • Children learn self-control by making appropriate choices and decisions for themselves, thus taking responsibility for their own actions.
  • Children learn healthier ways of interacting with others and better ways of coping with difficult situations.
  • Children learn to correct their misunderstandings and develop more realistic ways of thinking.
  • Through children's self-expression in play, adults are better able to understand children; this leads to adults being able to support children more effectively.

For any enquiries, you may contact us at 90233116. Feel free to visit our website at or like our facebook page @pand0rab0xplaytherapy.


