Prenatal vitamins


Active Member
i took my own multivit which i have been taking even b4 preg and my gynae said ok.
as for Fish Oil, i buy Guardian hse brand.


Hmm is anyone taking ferrous gluconate? Cause i went polyclinic and they prescribe me with this instead of folic acid.


I've been taking folic acid (dosage: 5mg) and CoQ10 (dosage: 100-150mg).
Hubby is taking Centrum multivit.
Sand, why is your husband also taking vits?

My gyane has also given me some multi vits and calcium now and has asked me to start taking them in a couple of weeks.


hubby has been taking it since we are ttc-ing..... i guess is to continue setting good foundation for future baby making... =P
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New Member
fish oil a must? what the pros in taking that?

so i guess folic acid and fish oil are the 2 most beneficial supps?
my doc has prescribed me one calcium and two multi-vit supplements daily. one of those multi-vit supplements contains fish oil as well.
and she has also asked me to stop taking folic acid now.

so its two multi-vit supplements and one calcium tablet that i take daily.


New Member
Hello everyone!
I'm currently taking only folic acid after my Gynae told me I dont't have to take the multi-vit (Blackmore's) till I've finished my Folic Acid (5Mg, can be bought from Guardian).


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New Member
Thanks Larry.
gynae just prescribed 3 mths worth of multivits for me. Costs way cheaper too than what I bought previously. Hehe!


New Member
Congrats mummies-to-be! Be careful with the unreliable source of vitamins you find online. You wouldn't want anything bad to happen to yourself and your baby right?

Most of my pregnant friends take this pharmaceutical-grade supplement from the USA. They had no nausea, swollen limbs, hairfall, acne, backaches, etc. Some were still running around until their last hour before birth! Those who had conceived, have complete and healthy babies; some had thick hair, seldom fall sick, and are fast-learners. Recently, I got to know President Obama is also taking the same brand. In case you would like to find out more, feel free to PM me. Take care and see ya!