slow milk flow

Hi mummies

My baby boy is 15 days old. So far I do not have enough bm hence everytime I latch him, he will cry for milk thus I supplement with fm or expressed bm after that.

I usually latch him for about 15 min when he is hungry, after about 1 or 2 hours, I would pump out the milk. Depending on my last pumping cycle, I can pump about 60-80ml from both breast.. but I need to take one hour to pump. I really have to keep alternating left and right breast, and squeeze every drop for that one hour to get that amount.

Does anyone have experience of slow milk flow? What can I do to fasten the milk flow as do I really need to pump one hour each time? Its quitr tiring and sore on my nipples. My mum suggest I fully latch as long as baby wants for up to one hour, then supplement with fm as usual and dont pump and see if it is better as stimulation from breast is better and I wont be so tiring. But I wont know if baby is really drinking my bm as pump out I know at least he is drinking my bm.

Any mummies can give suggestions?


Congratulations to you!!!

Yup my milk flow was slow too for both kids. I'm afraid I don't know any way of making it faster. I think it's just how our breasts are made, some mums can have milk squirting many feet away. For me mine just drips :(

Your baby is still very young and it is good to allow bub to establish your milk supply by latching on as many times as needed and for however long bub wants.

It is normal for babies to fuss at the breast early on as well, don't forget they too need to learn to breastfeed. As long as they are wetting nappies you're doing well and there is no need to supplement with formula :)

Also in the early days they may keep asking for for a feed even though they are full because suckling is comforting and in a new environment it's probably the only thing that comforts them. Comfort sucking will help you increase milk supply too, so don't be afraid to let bub latch on all the time :)

All the best!!

Thank you! When is your edd? :)

I do find that my milk flow faster and bb seems to be fuller now when i latch than previously when he will cry for milk after 15 min of latching. And when I pump out is really only half of his intake hence I really dare not just latch without supplementing with fm.

But if I just latch and give fm later I scare I overfeed him. Or will bb know he is full de? Now confinement I still can latch and pump but after that still have a toddler I find it very difficult.


Cherry blossom:885190 said:

Thank you! When is your edd? :)

I do find that my milk flow faster and bb seems to be fuller now when i latch than previously when he will cry for milk after 15 min of latching. And when I pump out is really only half of his intake hence I really dare not just latch without supplementing with fm.

But if I just latch and give fm later I scare I overfeed him. Or will bb know he is full de? Now confinement I still can latch and pump but after that still have a toddler I find it very difficult.
I'm due 23/11 but maybe earlier since my kids like to come out early haha.

That's great you're flowing faster :)

Babies know when they are full and if they are overfull they tend to spill or throw up a bit. Which can be quite little girl used to be a very chucky baby throwing up after every feed. Turned out she was overfull as she was gaining weight really well. She fed only for 5 mins at a time and still managed to take more than she needed even with my slow milk flow haha.

In the early weeks when you're establishing your milk supply it is better to not give fm as that can lead to decrease in milk supply. Babies get full from fm than bm because bm is easily digested where else fm takes longer to digest hence they seem full....which leads them to take less from the breasts and then breasts in turn make less milk. Bm alone is enough to satify their hunger even if it means latching on all the time. And the more baby latches on, the more milk you will make. Trust your breasts :)

Don't forget, babies' tummies are really tiny still so don't worry about the quantity they are taking. They are also more efficient than pumps so what you're able to pump out isn't a clear indication of how much bub is actually extracting from you, he is actually drinking much more :)
Hi ast0212

I tried latching exclusively now but bb doesnt seem to have enough. He will latch then fall asleep after a while cries again. I'm like practically latching the whole day. He cant latch like 15 min and then satisfied and sleep for 1-2 hours kind. I worried I have low supply. But I know my breast still has milk and in fact I felt pump can drain out my breast until really soft while after latching my breast still feels full. Is this normal?

I really worried he is not drinking enough and tempted to give fm. Scare his weight drop and no nutrition.


Cherry blossom:885310 said:
Hi ast0212

I tried latching exclusively now but bb doesnt seem to have enough. He will latch then fall asleep after a while cries again. I'm like practically latching the whole day. He cant latch like 15 min and then satisfied and sleep for 1-2 hours kind. I worried I have low supply. But I know my breast still has milk and in fact I felt pump can drain out my breast until really soft while after latching my breast still feels full. Is this normal?

I really worried he is not drinking enough and tempted to give fm. Scare his weight drop and no nutrition.
It is really normal that babies fall asleep at the breast while feeding, especially in the early weeks. Not only is breastfeeding comforting for them but bm contains stuff in it that makes them fall asleep. And it is also normal that breastfed babies don't sleep for very long as bm is easily digested and doesn't keep them full for long. This keeps them safe, from a SIDS point of view.

He may not be latching and draining the breasts because of the sleepiness. Was he jaundiced at birth? That tends to make them really sleepy. Also if you're latching and pumping it could be that you're over supplying? So bub could be drinking all he needs but you're making much more than that when you're pumping on top of latching on.

The best way to tell is really by wet nappies. Try one day without supplementing with fm and just breastfeed all day. If bub is wetting at least 6 disposable nappies in 24 hours he is getting enough because what goes in must come out :)


Cherry blossom:887489 said:
hi ast0212

just wondering if u have given birth? :)
Hi Cherry blossom! I was just thinking of you too, so came here haha.
Yes I have! On 15 Nov, he was 8 days early...but still pretty big at 3.7kg. Now he's close to 5kg as he is drinking all the time! Every half an hour to 2 hours he wants milk!!

How are you??
hi ast0212!

congrats to u! haha I also just thought of u so trying to see if u would read here. :)

your baby is big! must be difficult to push out or u csect? mine only 4.8kg now at 7 weeks but his birth weight was 3kg.

I tried heeding your advice but I really couldnt latch whole day cos baby was fussing even if I latch 30 min for many times. so I am still on mixed feeding. my boobs seem to only refill and feel full after 5-6 hours. wonder is it cos I only pump 6 hourly cos in between when I latch I never pump and boobs still doesn't seem to be emptied well unlike a pump. I suspect latching not gd so lately I use compression during latching and seems better. maybe then breast thought I need milk only 6 hourly haha..

now I try to pump after latch and bottle feed hopefully will increase my supply. though the amount is little when pump after latch.

do u think I still have chance to increase? anyway will try my best!


hi ast0212!

congrats to u! haha I also just thought of u so trying to see if u would read here. :)

your baby is big! must be difficult to push out or u csect? mine only 4.8kg now at 7 weeks but his birth weight was 3kg.

I tried heeding your advice but I really couldnt latch whole day cos baby was fussing even if I latch 30 min for many times. so I am still on mixed feeding. my boobs seem to only refill and feel full after 5-6 hours. wonder is it cos I only pump 6 hourly cos in between when I latch I never pump and boobs still doesn't seem to be emptied well unlike a pump. I suspect latching not gd so lately I use compression during latching and seems better. maybe then breast thought I need milk only 6 hourly haha..

now I try to pump after latch and bottle feed hopefully will increase my supply. though the amount is little when pump after latch.

do u think I still have chance to increase? anyway will try my best!
Thanks Cherry blossom!! :D

Haha yeah I had no idea he would be big!! My other 2 were only 3.3kg. It was a bit different pushing him out as he had compound presentation - his hand was on his face while coming out. But it was all good, pushed him out in 3 minutes with no tearing! Thank God, it's a miracle haha! I had been praying for a drug-free, pain-free, tear-free delivery.

Could it be that bub prefers the bottle? For babies it is so much easier drinking from a bottle than breast as they don't need to do much, whereas on the breast they really need to work for their meals! I used to give my eldest EBM occasionally when we were out and about, so when we got home he would fuss at the breast and it would be frustrating for both of us. I weaned him off bottles which helped a lot, but this may or may not work for everyone.

At 7 weeks it is possible that your supply has stabilised - making as much as you are taking out, so you won't feel full as much, unless you haven't fed for hours then they will be over full! Also it is ok if you get very little milk after bub has latched, it means he drank most of it :D The stimulation will help increase supply.

It's good that you are using compression, often that does help bub. If you could see a lactation consultant about the latch I'm sure it'll really help to make sure it's all ok, and they are the best for advice on supply and pumping :)

You could also try this breastfeeding forum set up by the Australian Breastfeeding Association. The ladies there helped me greatly with any questions I had with my eldest: Australian Breastfeeding Association • Index page but for latching/positioning, best to see a lactation consultant.

You definitely can increase supply, at any time of your breastfeeding journey. Keep at it, you're doing well!! :)
I'll PM you my email in case I don't log on here to check, feel free to email me anytime!


New Member
Dear mummies,

I'mfeeling rather discouraged here. My LO is 4 weeks old, due to low milk supply, we had to supplement with fm and recently I managed to get an LC to latch him back on. My LO now falls asleep at my breast after a few sucks. I read that it's due to slow milk flow rate. If he's not sucking effectively, I can't build up my supply.

is there any recommendation for me? Get LC for advise and help?