Steam Milk Pudding


New Member
Just came back from Hong Kong and I already miss their Steam Milk pudding. It is so yummy! Went online to find some recipes and felt these two recipes were the best. Feel free to share it with your friends who also love this dessert.

Milk Pudding.jpg

Recipe 2:

250ml Full/Low Fat Fresh Milk
4 Tablespoon Fresh Grated Ginger Juice
2 Tablespoons Sugar

Cooking Method:

1. Grate ginger and juice it by pressing it through a fine strainer until you collect 2 tablespoons of ginger juice.
2. Stir the ginger juice and divide it into two bowls.
3. Bring the milk to boil, reduce to heat, add in sugar and continue to cook for another 2 minutes.
4. Right before the milk is removed from heat, give the ginger juice a good stir. Then pour the milk from about 10 cm above to fill up the bowl.
5. DO NOT move or shake the bowl. Wait for 5 minutes and you are ready to serve them.

a) Bring the milk to boil first before reducing to low heat. This makes it thicker and easier to set in place.

After typing so much about Steam milk pudding, I now really feel like buying some milk and making them tonight. Saw a milk promotion on F&N Magnolia Facebook yesterday. If you buy three cartons of 1-litre F&N Magnolia Milk, you will get one free 1-Litre F&N Magnolia Omega 3 DHA milk! I can make a lot of steam milk pudding. Awesome <3 bon appetite !!!