Termination during Pregnancy


New Member
Dear mummies out there,

The purpose of my thread is to garner attention and awareness of mummies that have been through the same situation and mummies that have read this post.

I will be creating a campaign "anti-dismissal & unduly treatment of moms-to-be" the "purple movement" to raise awareness to the society that we mothers- to-be are suffering in silence towards all the unduly treatment by our employers during our pregnancy and how our work are at stake and how vulnerable we are during this period.

We should all stand up together to put all these suffering to an end!!! I look forward to your support !

I am raising awareness so that the government boardings , relevant agencies will this seriously and all companies should abid to the policies and women shall be protected under the law for unlwlawful dismissal or treatments by the organisation.

Add / join my purplemovementsg on telegram for more updates and sharing .

I am consolidating all similar cases to raise awareness to relevant boardings and seeking for social enterprise fundings to fund the whole movement to help more females in time to come as this is an area that is not well taken care of by the society .

TELEGRAM CHANNEL: https://t.me/purplemovementsg

Follow us and LIKE MY PAGE ON FACEBOOK TYPE : PurpleMovementSg