The Joy Truck, Mediacorp show on special needs Beneficiaries


Have not been posting here for quite some time.
Just watched MediaCorp "The Joy Truck". This first episode focused on 3 Rare Genetic kids.
1) Grace Tan
思颖是部分因生酮飲食(是一个高脂、低碳水化合物和适当蛋白质的饮)而获益的成功例子之一。5-year old Grace suffers from Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Deficiency, a metabolic disorder that deprives the body of energy. Some symptoms of this deficiency include developmental delay, poor muscle tone, abnormal eye movements, difficulty walking and seizures.Grace is one of the success cases who benefits from Ketogenic Diet (a special high-fat diet), which controls and minimizes lactic acidosis (the buildup of lactic acid which can cause nausea, vomiting, severe breathing problems, and an abnormal heartbeat).

2) Jarren Ng Enle 黄恩乐
三岁的恩乐仅四个月大就因肌肉张力较低而入住加护病房。几个月下来,医疗费用累积了1万5千新币之多。恩乐后被诊断患有先天性髓鞘发育不良性神经病 (Congenital Hypomyelinating Neuropathy)。现在,恩乐依靠仪器帮助他呼吸。尽管他很想出外游玩,但碍于呼吸上的苦难,家人至今都不敢让他外出。3-year old Jarren was first admitted to ICU after birth for four months due to his low muscle tone. These months of medical fees went up to $15,000. He was later diagnosed with Congenital Hypomyelinating Neuropathy, a neurological disorder that causes damage to the peripheral nerves (tracts of nerve cell fibers that connect the brain and spinal cord to muscles and sensory organs).Jarren relies on ventilator support to breathe. As the ventilator requires power supply to function, his family would not risk bringing him out for leisure even though Jarren very much wants to do so.

3) Chloe Mah
4岁的马若涵在2010年被诊断患有遗传性庞贝氏症 (第二型肝醣储积症)。全身的肌肉,甚至心脏,都在渐渐变弱。
4-year old Chloe was first diagnosed with a genetic condition called Pompe Disease (which weakens her overall muscles, including that of the heart) back in 2010.Chloe is now receiving ERT treatment (Enzyme Replacement Therapy) which amounts up to a total of $18,000 every month. Currently, the medical fee is partially sponsored by the medication manufacturer and KK hospital. However, her family still has to take care of all her other medication, daily expenses and therapy sessions, which adds up to $2000 every month.

The father of Chloe founded Rare Disorders Society (S’pore).
Hope children living with rare disorders are seeing light at the end of the tunnel.

Having a special needs child is a big test of patience, how to survive with unusual costs and live with the lack of govt support/subsidy.
I hope our society can learn more about us and understand that sometimes, your unusual stare or 无心之言 can be hurtful or spoil my day.
When strangers gave my girl irritating or angry stare because she shouted or behaved unsual, I have to pretend I didn't see or hear them.
When senior citizens (I encountered many times) commented "so big still sit on stroller" .... depends on my mood, sometimes l will say "关你屁事":weeek: . Only once, an aunty said sorry for her "无心之言".:weyes: She caught me by surprise and made my day wonderful. Sometimes, in the train, people will automatically give up their not priority seat for my girl. I really appreciate it. Sometimes, they pretended we are invisible, including those perfectly well adult sitting on Priority Seats because my girl looked too normal or we bought along a stroller. It was often when my girl showed her temper, cried or wanted me to carry her (25kg) then commuters decide to let us have a seat.

Sad to say, my own sister has recently asked me why my girl need to buy an expensive stroller. Special needs equipment are so costly, do we have a choice to buy cheap stuff? Do we have an option to buy things, special needs equipment or receive weekly therapies in $100 range? NO!

Educated people can read online if they are keen to know there's a medical group known as 'Rare Genetic'. Many tend to think we are similiar to Down's or Autism but elderly, we cannnot blame them for not understanding us, most don't know there are people born with genetic/chromosome disorder in Spore. It is the lack of public education on special needs that caused people to think this way or failed to have chance to understand and help us.


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Re: The Joy Truck, Ep 3

Project Dignity Pte Ltd
1 Kaki Bukit View, Techview
#01-01 S(415941)
Project Dignity provides job training and placement to disabled and disadvantaged people so that they can have hope for better future, better lives and better opportunities to be successful.
They believe in enhancing educational value inside-out from our students to public, as well as outside-in from public to get used to handicapped people servicing them.

They joined Project Dignity’s by setting up stalls, learn about shop operations and customer service, and finally found a comfortable place where they can build up confidence and earn a living. 自食其力

永恩 Wong Yong En

入读此Chaoyang special school,毕业后曾经在工厂工作过短时期,但因为环境和性质不合适,无法继续。
20-year old Yong En is an intellectually challenged youth who suffered from epilepsy when he was younger.

Jasper Yeo

Russell Silver 患者,影响身、心、脑部发育。先天心脏有孔,肾脏也不能正常运作。
23-year old Jasper suffers from Russell-Silver syndrome, a growth disorder characterized by slow growth before and after birth. He was also diagnosed with a congenital hole in the heart.


Re: The Joy Truck, Ep 6

Pei Shan珮珊


珮珊后来因肺部感染而需长时间住院,得倚赖机器吸收氧气。为了照顾她,珮珊的母亲无法做工。父亲因珮珊的病而时常转换工作,终于在昂贵医疗费用的压力下被宣告破产,现从事德士司机的行列。 4年了,珮珊病况恶化,有可能失明。面对健康每况愈下又即将失明的局面,父母担心珮珊无法拥有体验世界的机会。

Pei Shan(14 years old) was born a healthy baby but as she started to grow older, her parents noticed she was not growing physically. Her parents sent her for follow-up checks but doctors could not explain her condition.

Pei Shan later developed lung infections and had to be hospitalized for a long period of time. She now needs to be hooked up to the oxygen supply machine for 24 hours per day and be assisted in all her daily activities.

Peishan has been found to have worsening glaucoma which means that she may not be able to retain her vision anymore. With her health deteriorating by the day, her parents are worried that she might not be able to experience the world in the near future.


Re: The Joy Truck, Ep 8

Awakening Minds – A Mother’s Wish CampaignAwakening Minds is a social enterprise that strives to debunk stereotypical conceptions about autism, special needs and mental illness/ mental wellness. Through affordable original books, articles, learning materials, talks, workshops and consultations, Awakening Minds aims to empower the sufferers and caregivers, educate the public about these illnesses so as to remove any stigmatism and to reintegrate these patients back into the society.

Choo Kah Ying & Jean-Sebastien Choo

Kah Ying 在儿子出生前曾在美国从事学术研究8年,17岁的儿子Sebastien在大约18个月大时就被发现是自闭症儿童。多方寻求协助的效果都不令人满意,决定全情投入教养儿子的工作。儿子在12岁时发现他有绘画的天分,所以极力让他发展他的长处。

Kah Ying 本身从19岁开始就患有躁郁症,却在诞下Sebastien后为了能够好好的照顾他,才开始服药控制病情。2005年8月,带着儿子回国后,Kah Ying到不同的地方演讲和参与分享会,与其他自闭症儿童的父母和医疗工作人员分享自身的经验。更成立了A Mother’s Wish Campaign, 目的在于建立一个社会团体,为自闭症孩童和父母提供支持和训练项目。

Before giving birth to Sebastien, Kah Ying was an academic researcher in the United States. When Sebastien (now 17 years old) was 18 months old, he was diagnosed with autism. Despite seeking for multiple help and support, they were often deemed as unsatisfactory in Kah Ying’s eyes. Hence, Kah Ying decided to dedicate her time whole-heartedly into educating Sebastien herself. When Sebastien was 12, Kah Ying found out that he had a talent in arts, and so she decided to help Sebastien to develop his strengths and skills in the area of arts.

Kah Ying herself suffers from manic-depression. However, in order to take care of Sebastien after his birth, Kah Ying began to take medication so as to put her illness under control. In August 2005, after returning home with Sebastien, Kah Ying went to different places to give lectures and talks, and also participated in different sharing sessions with the parents and medical staff of autistic children. She also set up A Mother’s Wish Campaign, aimed at establishing a social group for the autistic children and their parents to seek help and support, and to provide training programmes to these individuals.


New Member
Re: The Joy Truck, Ep 6

Pei Shan珮珊


珮珊后来因肺部感染而需长时间住院,得倚赖机器吸收氧气。为了照顾她,珮珊的母亲无法做工。父亲因珮珊的病而时常转换工作,终于在昂贵医疗费用的压力下被宣告破产,现从事德士司机的行列。 4年了,珮珊病况恶化,有可能失明。面对健康每况愈下又即将失明的局面,父母担心珮珊无法拥有体验世界的机会。

Pei Shan(14 years old) was born a healthy baby but as she started to grow older, her parents noticed she was not growing physically. Her parents sent her for follow-up checks but doctors could not explain her condition.

Pei Shan later developed lung infections and had to be hospitalized for a long period of time. She now needs to be hooked up to the oxygen supply machine for 24 hours per day and be assisted in all her daily activities.

Peishan has been found to have worsening glaucoma which means that she may not be able to retain her vision anymore. With her health deteriorating by the day, her parents are worried that she might not be able to experience the world in the near future.
How is Pei Shan now? I hope she is doing okay. I hope that she will never lose hope in life. Life is full of challenges, but we have to be strong. I hope this story can be of help to her