tinnitus treatment


New Member
First change your lifestyle, like your eating habit. One who is suffering from high blood pressure does not eat salty and fatty food because these will increase your blood pressure and high blood pressure cause ear ringing. Apart from these if you eat healthy food then it means you are healthy and only a healthy body can protect you from any disease and symptoms even from ear ringing because some people believes that there is no ear ringing treatments or cures.


New Member
Hey guys, I agree with you, and I use a pair of noise-canceling earplugs to protect my hearing. I think the main reason for tinnitus is a loud noise. Recently I visited a website and saw some videos about it and realize about it. Mine gives safety to my ear from every kind of loud sounds like a motorcycle, shooting, music, industry, and others.


New Member
I know that tinnitus is not curable. The earplug is the only key to protect hearing and protect tinnitus. So what kind of treatment do you talk to for the tinnitus? Any medicine does work for it.