Useful pregnancy miracle tips?


New Member
A few days ago, I posted a link asking for feedback on an ebook One of the members, stonston, gave a very encouraging comment in the thread " Any mummies trying for 2011 baby?", saying that she striked by taking supplements recommended & changing her diet according to the book.

As there are more than 300 pages in that book, can I request all those who have purchased and read the book to share which piece of information works for them? I am only at chapter 3 now, some of the information is actually quite technical for me………:001_07:

Hopefully the sharing will help each of us achieve our goal more quickly! Thanks so much!
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Well-Known Member
The supplements recommended depend on your body's constituition. You MUST read the book and complete the check list to know which category of supplements you will need cos everyone's body is different.

In fact, you can skip the first few chapters on the technical details.

Go straight to the chapter on TCM. There's one section on accupressure. Just follow the pictures and press the appropriate pressure points regularly.
Then there's the section on the herbs/supplements to take for different body types. If you are a 'cold' body type, need certain herbs, if your liver is weak (based on their list of symptoms), you will need other types. It's very individualised, so hard to share what I've taken cos your body is unique and will differ from mine.

Then they have a list of recommended foods to take and foods to avoid. I did not strictly follow but tried to follow as much as possible. Like they recommended oats for men to build strong sperm. So I got my maid to cook a bowl of organic oats for my hubs as breakfast every morning.

It isn't hard to read the book. I managed to finish reading within a day and highlighted plus bookmarked the key things to note.


New Member
Thanks for your generous sharing!

The supplements recommended depend on your body's constituition. You MUST read the book and complete the check list to know which category of supplements you will need cos everyone's body is different.

In fact, you can skip the first few chapters on the technical details.

Go straight to the chapter on TCM. There's one section on accupressure. Just follow the pictures and press the appropriate pressure points regularly.
Then there's the section on the herbs/supplements to take for different body types. If you are a 'cold' body type, need certain herbs, if your liver is weak (based on their list of symptoms), you will need other types. It's very individualised, so hard to share what I've taken cos your body is unique and will differ from mine.

Then they have a list of recommended foods to take and foods to avoid. I did not strictly follow but tried to follow as much as possible. Like they recommended oats for men to build strong sperm. So I got my maid to cook a bowl of organic oats for my hubs as breakfast every morning.

It isn't hard to read the book. I managed to finish reading within a day and highlighted plus bookmarked the key things to note.


New Member
Dear Mummies-to-be, please support the author directly ( if you can afford it as you can apply for a refund if it doesn't work for you. I dont't wish to be breaking someone's else rice bowl indirectly by starting this discussion. Treat it as a good deed done for the sake of your future baby since the author does provide some value to us. Hopefully she can sustain and have the resources to do more research to help more women in need.


New Member
Hi Natalie n stonston, I've read the site provided and find all testimonials given are cucasians. Just wondering if the steps given in the book does applies to Asians as well?

Many thanks to all for sharing your journey and stories to conceive. Baby dust to everyone :wong19:


New Member
I come across something that makes me very excited today and I reminded myself that I must share it with all of you here. I found a Baby Sex Guide on the internet. Normally I am quite sceptical of information found on the internet as it's always supported by only caucasians, so I'm not sure whether it will work for Asians.

However, on this site Baby Sex Guide, there's actually a testimonial video from a couple from Singapore. They said that they have managed to successfully give birth to a baby boy and girl by following the information found in this link. This can really help to save us lots of money without having to depend on the doctors if it really works! Have a look at this video now!

Do pause the first video that starts automatically once you click on the link. Play the 2nd video to have a look at what the couple from Singapore says!


Yesterday was the big "O" day. Hopefully can get pregnant. Will have to wait for 1-2 weeks perhaps 3 week to do test.


Can I know if the book that stonston recommends, is it just for conceiving or is it a general health book to improve one's health?


Well-Known Member
Momi, the book does cover how to improve one's health generally cos healthy body is necessary for conception to take place. But the focus is more on TTC (how to strengthen the womb to get ready for pregnancy, how to improve the soldiers, etc).


Thanks stonston.

I was hoping for it to be focus on improving one's health in general as I'm not trying to conceive. I have menstrual pain every month so was hoping that it offers remedy. Thanks anyway :)


Well-Known Member
It does have a section on herbs to regulate menses & stop menstrual I think. Related to building proper womb lining and hormone balance. I check again when I have time.


Thanks lots stonston.

Maybe you can give me the title of the book so I can look it up, saves your trouble.


Well-Known Member
I realised I have another e-book that focuses on menstruation:

From PMS to PPD:
Understanding the Phases
of the Female Body
By Lisa Olson