Advise on Exclusive Pumping


Hi Mummies,
May i have some advise from mommies who are exclusive pumping their breastmilk?
How much breastmilk you can produce a day? And whether you're working or stay at home
really cannot compared because every"body" is different. but i used to do exclusive pumping on a 3 hourly basis, once stable it is 270ml per session. but now back to work baby 6 months plus, pump only 3 times a day, each session drastically drop to 180ml. but i have a good storage of frozen breastmilk fr the past months.


Wow.. That's good. I have been exclusive pumping since my son was born. Only tried to bf directly for a week.
The most i can get per session was 240 before. And i'm only pump 3 times a day.
If I pump 3 hourly basis, only can get 40-50. Not enough to feed my son.

Did u eat drink any supplement?
initially during first 2 months, supply on the low side. during confinement can only pump less than 60ml both side. basically tried almost any method i know to increase. i drank sacred tea, drink papaya fish soup , red dates tea, hot towel, pump plus hand express. and last resort when my supply falls during 1st gynae visit , i request for medicine.

lucky everything was smooth going. personally conclude that small breast can have sufficient milk too:) so all new mother, breastfeed may be tiring, worse if there is a cranky baby , but dont give up , this phase will pass soon.


Mine is the other way round.. Good for 1 month but subsequently went down after confinement.
Sigh.. Dunno how to get the supply back.
i was pumping like 1.2-1.3 litres a day after baby turns 3 mth. i was hardworking and started pumping like evry 2hourly.. then became 3 hourly and then 4 hourly. i took mother's love more milk plus to boost my supply after it dipped to almost zero when baby was 3 weeks (due to blocked ducts). when the supply returned, i stopped taking the supplement and took lots of water. I read that it is impt to pump during 3am-5am. that's the time the hormones are at its peak so good to pump at that time. I know many mummies will tend to sleep thru the night when baby sleep thru the night but i think very impt not to drag a pump to more than 5 hours if you want more milk. I was a full time working mum.

For my second child, i have been fully latching so also dunno how my supply is now.... heehee


New Member
Hi I am new to this forum

I am SAHM since sept2012
My Bb is coming to 8 months in 25 dec.
I have been exclusive pumping since he is born
Used to pump every 3hrs but now pump every 6 hrs coz planning to stop pumping soon


1.3 litres is a lot!! I wish i have that volume and my boy won't need formula

Xiuping: how many ml u pumped per session?
I'm trying to compare myself to see whether i'm on the low side and need help or supplement.



New Member
SJMom when did u deliver ?

For my 1st month, I manage to get about 90 to120 ml per pump n manage to have just enough for my Bb.

From 2nd month to 5th month , can pump about 300 ml per pump....
l manage to store some bm which I pump in the middle of the night (which my baby did not wake up to eat).
there is one time I can't wake up n did not pump n after 6 hr, I pump 600ml....a bit crazy
I also try more milk plus but recently get to know that the same brand got a special blend which I hear seems bettter

From 6 months onward to now almost 8th month, my supply drop n can only pump about 150ml after 5 hr interval.....
Although going to stop pumping soon , still kinda of bit low morale that supply is dropping....


Delivered on 5th Oct.
For the first month, i'm pumping about 400 ml then second month dropped to 200 per day
Now stabiliing to 450-500 a day. Cant cross 600 though

Wah you must be damn lucky. 600ml per pumping is a lot. Your hardwork has paid off ;)


New Member
Aiyo , only tat one n only time tat hit 600 ml....
So you now exclusive pumping ? Try to store some bm if possible :001_302:


At least you know your "capacity" can reach 600ml. Hahha
i dont even have enough to feed my baby, let alone storing :(
actually as long as there is enough for feeding, pumping for today can last till the next few session, it will be good enough. there is no way to compare because every body is different.

keep the hard work ongoing:)

Guess I have low supply too.. My girl is 2 wweek now as since birth I been totally bf her.. Now every time I latch her , is she didn't ask for more in the next 15 min I will take red date tea and start my pumping work..
Each side I pump on 10min then total I can get is about 50-60 ML . Sometime supply can reach 100mL !
I take fenugreek day n night 1 hour later after my meal.. As I drink herbal soup every meal..

So far no increase for me-! Kind of sad also.. Yes I did wake up night to latch my girl n pump during 2-5 am . That hour is really best for milk flow... So far I try 2 days only...,

too early to say low supply. it can take 1-2mths and milk will gradually increase. be patience.

60ml for a start is good! keep it up.


been bfeeding since birth. since i got back to work i pump every 3-4hrs. i almost tried all suggested supplement but i can only pump 60-90ml every pump session :( any more suggestions? the max i got is only 240ml at one session but i was not able to pump for arnd 6-8hrs then :(


Bruti 732, what supplement u tried before?
Have you tried nursing time tea or any supplement containing goat's rue?


I'm taking my gynae medication. Pump at least 6-8 oz a pump. My boy drinks 4-5 oz. he's a big eater. Only 3 months. NB alrdy drink 3 oz. when he's a week old drink 4 oz alrdy !!! So I try my best to pump the most ! I just bought calcium pills fenugreek and fish oil from gnc. Cos my gynae at Thomson. Too inconvenient for me to go all the way there. Anyone taking nursing tea ? Can it be mixed with fenugreek ? Will clash Ma ?
My bb is 6 weeks 3days old. I have high supply initially due to my drop in pumping frequency, my supply drop drastically. My doc gave me motillium and I buck up on my pumping. The change of breast pump and flanges have also increased my supply. im now producing ard 1.3 litres per day. I don't know is this considered high supply? But I'm definitely producing more den what bb eats. She takes ard 120ml per feed.