7 House Hacks To Maximise Your Space


A little irritated for the lack of space because of your super-tiny apartment? Fret not. We are giving you these 7 fantastic house hacks that will definitely make your space look BIGGER:
1.Add a loft over your kitchen. Actually, add a loft anywhere.Sleeping and reading nooks maximize your space and provide privacy in shared areas. Snag space above your kitchen, bathroom, living room — there’s no end to those versatile vertical spaces:

2. Utilise the space under the stairs.

3. Replace doors with sliding walls to let your space breathe. This Brooklyn apartment feels much larger than its 500 square feet, thanks to large sliding doors with wide doorways.

4. Use glass walls to separate spaces without visually dividing a room.

5. Repurpose the closet. Display your best fashion finds right out in the open to save space and show off your style.

6. Discover unexpected storage. Similar to under the stairs, there are often plenty of unused crawl-spaces and nooks in a home that can be creatively turned into organized storage.

7. Keep your window to wall ratio high. Large panes of glass really open up this 136 sq ft DIY Colorado Mountain Home. Bonus: Tucked under the built in desk are two stools which double as storage.

This article originally appeared on Buzzfeed.