How to Decorate a Nursery


Your baby is due to arrive soon and the excitement is building up as you work on setting up the nursery. Since
babies and young children spend much of their time sleeping, ensuring that they sleep not only in a cozy but most especially in a safe place is very important. This is very much needed since there may be times when you may have to leave them unattended.

But first of, babies need very little in the early days – what makes the list, and what can wait?

The nursery should be little more than a quiet place to sleep, recharge and have their nappy changed. Storage is essential though, so provide adequate space for nappies, blankets, clothes and toys. Save space and money with dual-function furniture – such as a cot that transforms into a toddler bed.

A cupboard is not really necessary yet, but still consider having a built-in system installed that can be used for years to come. Freestanding pieces need a mix of open and closed shelving so you can display the pretty items and hide the rest.


It’s vital to think through how the room will be used before your baby arrives. The change area needs to be close to nappies and ointments, while the cot should be placed away from electrical sockets, light switches and dangling curtain cords. And don’t overlook your own needs – a comfy armchair is a must for night feeds.


Install a dimmer switch so you don’t have to wake the baby up fully for late night feeds. If using curtains, ensure they have thick lining or install blackout blinds.


Once your child starts crawling, look for soft carpet, rubber tiles or smooth wooden flooring with a knee-friendly rug for playtime. Thinner rugs, such as Aubussons and kilims, will need an underlay for added padding and to prevent slippage, and remember that rugs are more likely to slide on carpet than hard floors and will therefore require a non-slip underlay.


Make sure all your furniture adheres to Singapore safety standards and is either well-weighted or bracketed to the wall. Avoid sharp corners, dangling cords, open sockets and overly fussy furnishings. Once your child starts crawling, go around the room on your hands and knees to spot any potential hazards.


For walls and floors, opt for neutrals and soft pastels that won’t overstimulate your child. Pinks and blues aren’t your only option – minty greens, lavenders and beige tones also look lovely. Children’s fabrics are plentiful but it’s worth checking out grown-up ranges for fun and bright chintzes, stripes and geometric styles, too.

Furniture will be your biggest investment so look for classic pieces that won’t date, and which can be easily touched up with a lick of paint, such as Scandinavian-style painted wooden furniture and mini versions of modern classics.

For Cots/ Cribs

Below is an image from SPRING Singapore that discusses the do’s and don’ts for choosing the proper cots/cribs for your little ones:


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