
Engaging in fantasy play could benefit creative thinking in children

Engaging in fantasy play could benefit creative thinking in children. This is one of the findings of a study being presented today, Thursday 15 September, by Dr Louise Bunce of Oxford Brookes University to the annual conference of the British...

How to help your preschooler learn to read

Learning to read requires the mastering of three basic skills: syntax, semantics and phonics. ·Syntax is the way words, phrases and clauses go together to create sentences and paragraphs. ·Semantics is how words...

The Homeschooling Practice

While there are parents who seem to be skeptical about the idea of homeschooling their children, nowadays, more and more are open to this concept of education. Home learning or homeschooling does away with the structured method like that...

Two Parenting Styles Are Actually Better Than One

Disagreeing with your spouse over how to parent your children stems from the assumption that only one of you is “right.” But unless one of you is afflicted with moral depravity, this is certainly not true. In fact, every childis...

Enhance Your Child’s Skills at Home

Whether one takes credence in nature or nurture, it is undeniable that a child’s kin are their primary source of education during formative years. This allows parents to significantly impact their progeny’s future, by assigning them personal schedules (time...

Growing Up With Music

Research on how music can nurture and help your child learn, has been going on for decades. When researchers delve on the Mozart Effect - the theory that listening to Mozart's music can temporarily improve performance, and perhaps even...

An Average Child Can Surprise You By Reading Independently

We know that every child learn things at different speed. Some children may be ready for toilet training at two, while others are still diapering at the age of four! So, whether it is readiness to speak, brushing teeth,...

Bonding with Your Stepchildren

Nowadays, schools have moved away from the traditional teaching of the family as the basic unit of society made up of the father, mother and children - all biologically related. Times have changed and with it the traditional lessons...

5 Laws of Loving Our Children

We parents don't need to be taught the ways to express our love to our kids. Most of us naturally know how to do it: a hug, a kiss, rubbing the kid's back, words of encouragement or affectionate talking......

Tips on Eating Out with Your Children

Prior to having children my husband and I ate out at least once a week and really enjoyed this part of our lives. Since having children we do not go out as much due to money restrictions. However we...