belly button and stretch marks


New Member
hi angelwendy,

are you expecting a boy? elderly always say mother expecting boy will not have their belly button pop out.. hehe
both my pregnancy, bellly button nvr pop out but its a girl lei... bt gt lot of strechmarks.... any mummies using any cream tat works wonders on disappearing of strechmarks???


how much is clarin's lotion? :)
I got them from Sasa at $80 i think , try tangs , isetan all those big department store , i feel that it expensive but it works so hehe ! :) I am using it for 3-4 weeks already still have more than half the bottle .


:wong19:dont't worry, stretch marks will fade after some time....just continue applying cream and oil. maybe you can try the rosken high potency vitamin e cream. i bought from watsons for $15plus. i went thru 3 tubes during pregnancy , and am still using coz like i mentioned, my tummy area became quite dark, and it was flabby and crumply-looking after giving birth.
After my birth i shall buy the one you recommended , it does have good effect ? will it be sticky after applying it ? :)


both my pregnancy, bellly button never pop out but its a girl lei... bt gt lot of strechmarks.... any mummies using any cream that works wonders on disappearing of strechmarks???
Clarins stretchmark control is not bad , i am still preg but some of them fades a little but when it stretched , it will turn red again so i just applying to prevent for more , theres once i forgotten to apply for a day & all turn red & really bad ! :)


Clarins stretchmark control is not bad , i am still preg but some of them fades a little but when it stretched , it will turn red again so i just applying to prevent for more , theres once i forgotten to apply for a day & all turn red & really bad ! :)
eh y does ur tummy turns red? izit itchy?


Hi all mummies,

may i know if your belly button ever did "pop" out during pregnancy? if so, at which week? and did it resume after delivery?

also, did your stretch mark (if any) appear before delivery?? also, at which week??

Mine button pop out when last trimester. Till now my baby around 9 mths still haven't haven gone back. :embarrassed: Cannot wear sexy clothes.


After my birth i shall buy the one you recommended , it does have good effect ? will it be sticky after applying it ? :)
the cream is not sticky, but its very thick, so need to massage it in until absorbed. i believe its good, but during pregnancy, i used it together with bio oil and johnson's oil gel...hehe, but on lazy days, i just applied the cream!:001_302:

you can start using it now, together with your clarins oil... what i did was, after shower at night, i applied my bio oil, massage until fully absorbed, then apply rosken cream. then i applied the johnson oil gel before changing into an old pyjamas. (johnson's oil gel is very very oily)


my stretch marks juz appear these few days, its rather itchy, a bit brownish purple.... any idea if now still got cure????

Last week lower stomach very itchy... ask my hubby see got stretchmarks or not(coz cannot bend down see) he say dun have... then i tot its allergy to the stretchmarks cream I am using, so stop for few days, today very itchy again, ask my mum see for me, wahhhh stretchmarks, she tell me aiyah its like that one.... but it UGLY!!!!!! Any way to cure it now since it has appear??? or i can only pray hard for it to fade?? T_T


Oh ladies, btw...if you want to buy the Clarins Stretchmark Control cream, can get it from People's Park, the one besides OG in Chinatown. The shop "Ocean" is selling at $52. I bought 3 tubes at 1 go. I started off with Palmer brand, but really couldn't stand the strong cocoa butter smell, so I switched to Clarins. I am a bit kiasu, started applying on 7th week :001_302:


New Member
May I know when shld we start to apply stretch mark cream? I'm in my first trimester and I have been applying it alternate nits.


I got them from Sasa at $80 i think , try tangs , isetan all those big department store , i feel that it expensive but it works so hehe ! :) I am using it for 3-4 weeks already still have more than half the bottle .
Hello Mummies,

Was reading the posts and decided to join in...

I swear by clarins oil.. I got zero stretchmarks on places where I put them... Lazy to put on my boobs, tot I won't get it there... to my horror after giving birth.. I got a couple of the marks there...:eek:10:

It will be money well spent... I kaisu.. start to put them on my 2nd month onwards.. used up 3 bottles... plus nice minty smell... and it is not sticky...


my stretch marks just appear these few days, its rather itchy, a bit brownish purple.... any idea if now still got cure????

Last week lower stomach very itchy... ask my hubby see got stretchmarks or not(coz cannot bend down see) he say dont have... then i thought its allergy to the stretchmarks cream I am using, so stop for few days, today very itchy again, ask my mum see for me, wahhhh stretchmarks, she tell me aiyah its like that one.... but it UGLY!!!!!! Any way to cure it now since it has appear??? or i can only pray hard for it to fade?? T_T
ahhh.. my mum say stretch marks once appear it wun disappear even after 10 or 20 years.. the most it will turn back to skin color only.. coz the marks i printed on her is still there =X so now i started applying stretch mark cream as soon as i noe i'm pregnant..


Hello Mummies,

Was reading the posts and decided to join in...

I swear by clarins oil.. I got zero stretchmarks on places where I put them... Lazy to put on my boobs, thought I won't get it there... to my horror after giving birth.. I got a couple of the marks there...:eek:10:

It will be money well spent... I kaisu.. start to put them on my 2nd month onwards.. used up 3 bottles... plus nice minty smell... and it is not sticky...

ah.. abt the clarins oil.. the smell may not be pleasant for all.. for me.. i cannot take the smell cos it smells like 驅風油 to me.. i didn't sleep well in the end cos of the 驅風油 smell.. luckily that was only a free sample and even thou is free i regretted applying it.. i really can't take the smell.. then i stick back with the clarins stretchmark control cream.. which do not hv any strong smell n non-oily at all.. i still love the cream 1.. :wong19: