young malay mums, lets meet over here !!!


Well-Known Member
adus mak..!!! ini anak dalam perot.. btol nye buat i saket tiap2 mlm.. susah btol nk tdo.. ngan saket pinggang + his non stop hits movements.. which make me feel soO UNCOMFORTABLE..!!! geram nye.. mcm nk cabot ajek ini perot, tolak tepi every nite.. :elvis:


Well-Known Member
adus mak..!!! ini anak dalam perot.. btol nye buat i saket tiap2 mlm.. susah btol nk tdo.. ngan saket pinggang + his non stop hits movements.. which make me feel soO UNCOMFORTABLE..!!! geram nye.. mcm nk cabot ajek ini perot, tolak tepi every nite.. :elvis:

Gud morning beautiful ladies,

Am having a BIG breakfast. Big by my standard. A plate of mee goreng (by MIL), banana and Milo with cereal.....woahhh, need to have light lunch later.

lis, sekiranya boleh cabot perut tolak tepi, i pun nak pregnant hehehe. I remember, all my final trimester of preg, coz uncomfortable, tak boleh tido, i stacked up bantal kat belakang and ended up tido duduk tau. Pregnant period and bb's age from newborn till 8-9 mths....the words 'comfort and peaceful rest rarely comes by to most women.


Well-Known Member
astagrafirrullah al' azim......check this vid. One of the hamba Allah in the group was involved in the case....thread Teen Fighting.

YouTube - Samsung AMOLED Dance Off - Voguelicious

And i rasa, dorangnya story ni pernah featured in Berita Minggu before kan. Apa nak jadi pada anak2 Islam nih. Mcm mana didikan duniawi & ukhrawi dorang nih :embarrassed:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Morning everyone...

Haiz..!! Now waiting for my turn to be in BAPAK's room.. Today BAPAK just returned from Australia.. So macam2 hal2 berita ingin disampaikan kepadanye.. Pagi2 buta je si mak nenek dah book bapak.. Punya lama dia menceloteh pat dalam bilik tu..


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone...

sigh..!! Now waiting for my turn to be in BAPAK's room.. Today BAPAK just returned from Australia.. So macam2 hal2 berita ingin disampaikan kepadanye.. Pagi2 buta je si mak nenek dah book bapak.. Punya lama dia menceloteh pat dalam bilik tu..
BAPAK nak kasi u ole2 Aussie & kangaroo meat tak nanti pada Ina. Mak nenek celoteh ke, scandal ? Gi tropong.....lama benor, lain crita tu :tlaugh:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Semalam having a very hectic day at work.. Sampai ku tak dapat main game pat sini.. Semalam ada satu pegadohan noh disini.. Sampaikan 3police car + 1ambulance datang sehh.. Kita pat dalam ofis satu2 looking out the window and tengok dengan kekecohan smua.. hahahahaa..

Our supplier VS taxi driver and the best part.. The supplier pickup our stock which is a stainless steel and whack it pat tangan taxi driver.. Bengkak noh.. Lucky sehh pat tangan kalau pat kepala confirm tak sempat nak mengucap noh.. Haiz!! Dah jadi polis case and terbabitkan company kita.. Siapa susah?? AKU jugak cos i need to figure out cam ne aku nak copy ini cctv to the disc...

Kwang.. Kwang.. Kwang.....

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
BAPAK nak kasi you ole2 Aussie & kangaroo meat tak nanti pada Ina. Mak nenek celoteh ke, scandal ? Gi tropong.....lama benor, lain crita tu :tlaugh:
When i reach i just saw a keychain of aussie je.. So ku compom itu dari dia ar.. Olang cina kan ada skit kedekut..!! Jangan mimpi lahh..

Si mak nenek tu kan dulu impian nak jadi reporter tapi tak kesampaian tu pasal jadi reporter pat sini.. Ni pun tadi baru grab itu BAPAK nak report2 and he say some stories i heard it.. Ishk!! COMPOM dari si mak nenek tu.. Now bapak tgh bingitz and suruh me cari siapa yang mulut murai gi bilang polis kita ada cctv??? Haiz!!!!!!!!

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Gud morning beautiful ladies,

Am having a BIG breakfast. Big by my standard. A plate of mee goreng (by mother in law), banana and Milo with cereal.....woahhh, need to have light lunch later.

lis, sekiranya boleh cabot perut tolak tepi, i pun nak pregnant hehehe. I remember, all my final trimester of preg, coz uncomfortable, tak boleh tido, i stacked up bantal kat belakang and ended up tido duduk tau. Pregnant period and baby's age from newborn till 8-9 mths....the words 'comfort and peaceful rest rarely comes by to most women.
Enflor, to me kan newborn till 2-3mths is the best time i can really do my stuff and relax unless dorang sakit tu normal lahh.. I suka jaga newborn cos they very easy lahh cuma i seram2 cos dorg masih lembek.. I remember masa Quraisha baru born, Allysha ard 3yrs old.. Kita anak branak je stay pat woodland noh.. I have to handle 2kids while hubby work.. But yg terok si Kakak lahh cos still young pe yg si adik macam very easy gitu and tak menyusahkan cos she only nak susu on time je.. I boleh buat keje umah, masak + tidur during daytime.. hehehheheehe..

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member

I feel kan DIETING ni kan very and soooo torturing...!!!! I feel wana giveup!!!



Well-Known Member

I feel kan DIETING ni kan very and soooo torturing...!!!! I feel want to giveup!!!

thatz y, cannot just crash diet..kena balanced diet and regular exercise. Bukan setakat aim nak kurus but internal organ smua kena kasi sihat. What u have been doing nih crash diet...apasal nak crash, badan u ok ape ? just maintain the healthy eating, then u slalu merayap kan (kira exercise jugak lahh tu) and try to add more workout sikit dah bley.


Well-Known Member
ok nak gi supermkt, besok hubby's hatchday nak buat some of his favs, nothing fancy coz nanti mak dia agaknya ada buat lagi grand.

Anyone knows how to make pulut kuning ? I have beras pulut. Nak kena pakai santan tak ?

Ok....feels like having milk tea with pearl drink plak ini tekak. be back later

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
thatz y, cannot just crash diet..kena balanced diet and regular exercise. Bukan setakat aim nak kurus but internal organ smua kena kasi sihat. What you have been doing nih crash diet...apasal nak crash, badan you ok ape ? just maintain the healthy eating, then you slalu merayap kan (kira exercise jugak lahh tu) and try to add more workout sikit dah bley.
Ooohhh.... Ever since crash diet ni kan membuat ku kejap2 pitam.. Hahahahaa... I sumore feel my body so ringgan now.. Macam seronok lahh pulak.. But i guess i need to stop liao cos tortured gitu tengok brape hari hubby ordered western food and i stop myself from eat all those stuff.. hahahahahahaa...


Well-Known Member
Ooohhh.... Ever since crash diet ni kan membuat ku kejap2 pitam.. Hahahahaa... I sumore feel my body so ringgan now.. Macam seronok lahh pulak.. But i guess i need to stop cos tortured gitu tengok brape hari hubby ordered western food and i stop myself from eat all those stuff.. hahahahahahaa...
tak yahh lahh nak crash diet nih smua...body nak service lama lagi oiii. Actually, all this dieting nih smua eh, susah lahh for Melayu community. Cam na, u tell me, raya ada rendang, ketupat. Ayam and daging are part of our normal meal, Goreng2 nih smua Melayu cooking champion. Masak tak pakai santan tak sah....ada pernah dengar orang Melayu vegetarian....jarang skali (maybe adik my husband lerr tu sebb kurus mcm lidi, urat dawai semua nampak kat body:001_302:) So makan tu smua boleh, eat in moderation. if last time, satu pinggan boleh abis....cuba makan brapa sudu only. But then if u jenis easy to burn out with good metabolic rate...makan (moderation kena ingat). That is why, now b4 i ngap fud in packaging, i read kat nutrition value first so i agak2 how much needs to go into my mouth. training my eldest son now buat gitu


Well-Known Member
aftanoOn Enflor & Ina..

nk kate susah sgt nk tdo smlm.. tk jugak uh.. i bukak lagu2 nasyid.. tros tertdo.. wahahahaa... :tlaugh:

sadar2 da subuh da..

pasal word comfortable tu.. i rase klau bab pregnant, memang jarang lahh.. maybe fortunate ppl jek yang btol2 ade smooth pregnancy..

tpi klau bab NB.. i rase ok jek.. tk brape susah nk jage.. mcm Ina cakap.. time i jage Annur pong, alhamdulillah senang.. dia tk bgn mlm mintak susu.. klau mintak pong, kadang2 jek..


Well-Known Member
ehk, itu video bapok(s) joget2 ehk..??? mintak kene bantai btol budak2 nie..

Ya Allah.. jaohkan lahh aku dari bende2 yang tk elok dari keturunanku.. amit amit... :embarrassed:


Active Member
olla semua.. tk da org pat kedai kopi pun =( niwae ckp pasal diet ni.. ayu sokong enflor.. there's a mom's website yg state that u can eat d norm stuff but must watch ur proportion.. ayu tgh amalkn grapefruit diet.. so bley mkn norm meal but just eat meat n veggies.. no potatoes or carbs n a half cup of grapefruit juice =) dis i a 12 day diet wif 2 days off.. hehehe... so far alhamdulillah.. skrg mkn sket je dah full.. tul tk enflor.. hehehehe


Well-Known Member
nari breakfast makan roti sapu 8 keping jek.. ngan susu..

lunch no hep.. i rase makan ape2 yg ade jek.. dinner will be roti john.. ringkas nye jek nari..

besok nye menu da plan.. nk masak daging black pepper ngan nasi goreng ikan bilis..


Active Member
true comfy preggy depend on ppl.. so far for me first 4 mth mmg tk cmfy coz muntah2.. i realise org2 yg ader low blood mmg prone to dat la.. but my next few mths alhamdulillah.. active serba serbi.. tido ok jgk la coz bilik A/C kan.. hehehehehe


Active Member
nari ayu rest day.. just stir-fry carrots n ikan goreng.. bsk insyaAllah udang (tgk la masak cara aper) n stir-fry veggies.. heeheh...