Like some advice...


New Member
Hi, im new in mummysg forum..though i have been reading the threads previously on i was trying to conceive since 1yr plus ago. However, have not manage to get first we thot maybe we did not try hard enough..

Only until we went to KKH to test for fertility then realised we both have problems. One of my tube is blocked, and hubby SA is not gd too. So it will be difficult to conceive.

I wonder if any1 has similar problems?Or any successful stories , or advice to share...

Searched thru other forums and did not seem to get any answers until some1 referred me to post here to see if any1 can lend a listening ear and give me some advice. As i do not have friends or relatives with any such problems, all of them can conceive easily. I feel quite alone.

Thanks in advance to any replies~!


New Member
Hi, im new in mummysg forum..though i have been reading the threads previously on trying to i was trying to conceive since 1yr plus ago. However, have not manage to get first we thot maybe we did not try hard enough..

Only until we went to Kandang Kerbau Hospital to test for fertility then realised we both have problems. One of my tube is blocked, and hubby SA is not good too. So it will be difficult to conceive.

I wonder if any1 has similar problems?Or any successful stories , or advice to share...

Searched thru other forums and did not seem to get any answers until some1 referred me to post here to see if any1 can lend a listening ear and give me some advice. As i do not have friends or relatives with any such problems, all of them can conceive easily. I feel quite alone.

Thanks in advance to any replies~!

Hi, shashan here. ihave being trying to conceive for about 3 years, going to have my 3rd IVF soon. U are not alone. i think your problem should be able to treat easily compare to yr hubby problem as my hubby also having sperm quality problem.

I would suggest both of u to go and see TCM, coz so far heard quite a lot of success case which seeking both western and TCM treatment. I myself seeking treatment in TCM as well, result not bad, but just due to my hubby unwilling to take chinese medicine, thus he didn't get to treat by TCM


New Member
Hi, shashan here. ihave being trying to conceive for about 3 years, going to have my 3rd IVF soon. U are not alone. i think your problem should be able to treat easily compare to yr hubby problem as my hubby also having sperm quality problem.

I would suggest both of u to go and see TCM, coz so far heard quite a lot of success case which seeking both western and TCM treatment. I myself seeking treatment in TCM as well, result not bad, but just due to my hubby unwilling to take chinese medicine, thus he didn't get to treat by TCM
Hi Shashan

Thanks very much for ur reply..may i ask what is the problem for you and your hubby?

Doc at kkh did mention IVF to be one of our option, ICISI or something which requires to select 1 gd sperm to inject into 1 egg..because my hubby sperm morphology is not gd, abnormally shaped.

Doc also says that no point for me to do surgery etc for my blocked tube if hubby sperm do not improve, because will stil be difficult to conceive. Actually its coz both got prob so made it worse.

Now hubby taking supplements in zinc, vit c and e to see if it helps. We are still thinking about chinese docs..but do not know where to go.. also have heard blocked tube cannot be cured thru chinese med??Any ideas on this?

Wish you and your hubby success in this coming IVF...may you have your healthy baby soon!


Hi travellingrain

I was in your shoes before. I tried to conceive for 6 mths and no news so I went to see a gynae to get myself checked out as well as my hubby.

He found that I had cysts and I underwent laparoscopy to get it removed. During the op, he also found that I had a blocked tube aka endometriosis.

My husband also went for a sperm test and his results were so-so, not fantastic.

After that my gynae suggested I took jabs, 1 per mth for 4 months to stop my menses to allow the clots to clear. We refused his proposal and told my gynae to let us try for another 6 months.

On that 6th mth, I managed to conceive.

I saw Dr Peter Chew. There're reviews abt him being very distant and non-personal. But I was ok with his "attitude" because my objective was just to get pregnant.


Active Member
Hi travellingrain,

My gf also hv blocked tube, went thru the treatment. She also seek chinese medication (yu ern sheng) help for 2-3 years, finally got conceived and gave birth to baby boy on feb 09.

I also got bf got poor quality of sperm, received treatment. Finally his wife conceived with twin gals and gave birth on Apr 10.


New Member
Hi ladies, anyone take clomid here. I am trying for my #2.
My #1 was conceive naturally. I was told by the my gynea and the Chinese Doc that I am too skinny and not getting enough rest, which is why my menses went haywire.
I am quite disappointed, have tried for the last 4 months but no good news yet.

I am supposed to start my first round of clomid next month.
Anyone here take it and any side effects.


I am childless for the first 5yrs in my marriage. Like the rest of problem couples, we tried all ways and means before deciding on IVF. 1 year before the IVF process, both of us seek TCM help from Thong Chai Medical. After 1 year of combine effort from Thong Chai and KK, 1 week before the IVF - Injection process, I am pregnant. Now, I am pregnant with my No. 2 and due in a week time.

So dun give up. Stay positive.


New Member
Hi Fiona, thank you and congrats.
Have you taken clomid and successfully conceive or both were conceive naturally.


Hi Diana, I was on 2 rounds for Chlomid after my lapo op.

The side effects I experienced were very bad mood swings and very quick temper.


New Member
Hi diymummy, are you trying for #2 as well.
Did you get pg with the help of clomid? How many rounds did u take?
Age is not on my side and I really hope to have my #2 asap.


New Member
Hi travellingrain

I was in your shoes before. I tried to conceive for 6 mths and no news so I went to see a gynae to get myself checked out as well as my hubby.

He found that I had cysts and I underwent laparoscopy to get it removed. During the op, he also found that I had a blocked tube aka endometriosis.

My husband also went for a sperm test and his results were so-so, not fantastic.

After that my gynae suggested I took jabs, 1 per month for 4 months to stop my menses to allow the clots to clear. We refused his proposal and told my gynae to let us try for another 6 months.

On that 6th month, I managed to conceive.

I saw Dr Peter Chew. There're reviews about him being very distant and non-personal. But I was ok with his "attitude" because my objective was just to get pregnant.

Hi diymummy

Thanks very much for replying and sharing your experience. You mentioned block tube aka endometriosis?Is blocked tube also endo?im not too sure what this is actually..doc at kkh only told me blocked tube..that is all i know. And that hubby sperm is abnormally shaped so will not be able to "fertilise" egg.

Your gynae is Dr Peter Chew from where?But how did he help you in the process?

Thanks once again!


New Member
Hi travellingrain,

My gf also have blocked tube, went thru the treatment. She also seek chinese medication (yu ern sheng) help for 2-3 years, finally got conceived and gave birth to baby boy on feb 09.

I also got bf got poor quality of sperm, received treatment. Finally his wife conceived with twin gals and gave birth on Apr 10.
Hi lekdao,

Thanks for about your own experience?

You mentioned ur friends undergone treatment..can i check if its chinese treatment? Besides Yu ern sheng, anywhere else?

I guess if its just 1 person has problem,it mayb easier..but my case is both also got problems...judging from kkh doc's opinion, he is telling us to improve my hubby problem before thinking about rectifying mine. Because if i undergo surgery for the blocked tube (which is the only solution?), i may stil not conceive due to hubby's prob...


New Member
I am childless for the first 5yrs in my marriage. Like the rest of problem couples, we tried all ways and means before deciding on IVF. 1 year before the IVF process, both of us seek traditional chinese medicine help from Thong Chai Medical. After 1 year of combine effort from Thong Chai and KK, 1 week before the IVF - Injection process, I am pregnant. Now, I am pregnant with my No. 2 and due in a week time.

So dont give up. Stay positive.
Hi Fiona,

Thanks! And Congrats on you No. 2. Actually both babies are your happiness,right.. :) May you have a safe and smooth delivery to a healthy baby!

Im trying not to give up..despite the time spent trying..and also the sad feeling i get when i see all my friends pregnant, again and again. And all relatives, only us left who are childless...

You were saying combined efforts from Thong Chai and KK?What treatment you went thru at each of the place? Thong Chai is the famous lady doc?

hope you can help me out with my doubts..thinking of going chinese doc too but not sure where to start.. as kkh did not offer any solution besides IVF. Doc asked us to try naturally for 6mths perhaps then tink about IVF.


New Member
Hi ladies, anyone take clomid here. I am trying for my #2.
My #1 was conceive naturally. I was told by the my gynea and the Chinese Doc that I am too skinny and not getting enough rest, which is why my menses went haywire.
I am quite disappointed, have tried for the last 4 months but no good news yet.

I am supposed to start my first round of clomid next month.
Anyone here take it and any side effects.
Hi Diana

Gd luck in baby no.2... at least you know you can conceive naturally! Stay positive...

Did chinese doc recommend any treatment for the haywire menses? In my opinion, i tink chinese to tiao body is better than western medications to regulate our menses etc right?

Perhaps you are also stress out in trying hard for No. 2 so it takes longer? Give yourself more time and relax...(tat's wat i see alot of pple say and do).

All the best!


Active Member
Hi lekdao,

Thanks for about your own experience?

You mentioned your friends undergone treatment..can i check if its chinese treatment? Besides Yu ern sheng, anywhere else?

I guess if its just 1 person has problem,it mayb easier..but my case is both also got problems...judging from Kandang Kerbau Hospital doc's opinion, he is telling us to improve my hubby problem before thinking about rectifying mine. Because if i undergo surgery for the blocked tube (which is the only solution?), i may stil not conceive due to hubby's prob...
Hi travellingtrain,

i conceived naturally.
I'm not sure for my gf, her hubby got problems or not.
I think basically all chinese treatment is abt the same, the difference is how popular they are. Another one that is good is Chong Hoe locate at serangoon garden, but is EX. i brought my kid to Chong Hoe when they are not feeling well, their medication works on my kids.

Yes, of coz is to rectify your hubby coz this may take some time. Try talking to your hubby again if he really wanted baby. I guess he need time to convenice himself to face the true and go for treatment.


Hi diymummy, are you trying for #2 as well.
Did you get pg with the help of clomid? How many rounds did you take?
Age is not on my side and I really hope to have my #2 asap.
Hi Diana,

We're currently having unprotected sex. We're not actively trying for #2. If we have, we have, if we don't then we might seek help later on.

I was on 2 rounds of chlomid before I got pregnant with my first. But I was also back at my gynae's office almost every month just after my AF to monitor my ovulation.

Hi diymummy

Thanks very much for replying and sharing your experience. You mentioned block tube aka endometriosis?Is blocked tube also endo?im not too sure what this is actually..doc at Kandang Kerbau Hospital only told me blocked tube..that is all i know. And that hubby sperm is abnormally shaped so will not be able to "fertilise" egg.

Your gynae is Dr Peter Chew from where?But how did he help you in the process?

Thanks once again!
Hi travellingrain,

Yes, blocked tubes is also know as endometriosis. It is caused by the back flow of menstral blood which forms clots in the tubes.

Dr Peter Chew is at GlenE medical center. He did a scan for me, did lapo, asked my hubby to go for sperm test, put me on ovulation medication, put my hubby on meds as well to make his sperm "stronger" and I had to go back to his clinic almost every mth to monitor my ovulation.

But I've to say that the waiting time at his clinic is horrendous...


New Member
Hi Diana

good luck in baby no.2... at least you know you can conceive naturally! Stay positive...

Did chinese doc recommend any treatment for the haywire menses? In my opinion, i tink chinese to tiao body is better than western medications to regulate our menses etc right?

Perhaps you are also stress out in trying hard for No. 2 so it takes longer? Give yourself more time and relax...(that's what i see alot of pple say and do).

All the best!
Hi travellingrain, I agree I have been giving myself stress. Cant help it, it's the disappointment I get every month when my menses come.

I will try to relax and play with my girl first before I 'strike' my #2.
The Chinese sinseh gave me some herbs but dun know what kind of herbs just brew and take it.

Anyone with good news to share here. We need encouragement.


New Member
Hi Shashan

Thanks very much for your reply..may i ask what is the problem for you and your hubby?

Doc at Kandang Kerbau Hospital did mention IVF to be one of our option, ICISI or something which requires to select 1 good sperm to inject into 1 egg..because my hubby sperm morphology is not good, abnormally shaped.

Doc also says that no point for me to do surgery etc for my blocked tube if hubby sperm do not improve, because will stil be difficult to conceive. Actually its coz both got prob so made it worse.

Now hubby taking supplements in zinc, vit c and e to see if it helps. We are still thinking about chinese docs..but do not know where to go.. also have heard blocked tube cannot be cured thru chinese med??Any ideas on this

Wish you and your hubby success in this coming IVF...may you have your healthy baby soon!

Hi, sorry for late reply. Our problem quite complicated. My husband having morphology, and I hav premature aging ovaries, means my ovaries not in good function, thus egg quality got affected.

My 2nd ivf has improved and I got pregnant, but only last for 5 weeks... But at least the medication my gynae prescript help me a lot. And after embryo transfer, I went for acupuncture too...maybe that's the reason my embryo managed to implant. But due to quality of embryo not good enough, thus I lost it at week 5.

Last time I visited eu yan seng, but due to the charges between eu yan seng and raffles TCM are almost the same, thus I choose raffles TCM with DR Jin. I took a fertility acupuncture package there at about $380 for 5 treatments. Consultation is free during treatment period, if medication is needed, need to pay...


New Member
Hi travellingtrain,

i conceived naturally.
I'm not sure for my gf, her hubby got problems or not.
I think basically all chinese treatment is about the same, the difference is how popular they are. Another one that is good is Chong Hoe locate at serangoon garden, but is EX. i brought my kid to Chong Hoe when they are not feeling well, their medication works on my kids.

Yes, of coz is to rectify your hubby coz this may take some time. Try talking to your hubby again if he really wanted baby. I guess he need time to convenice himself to face the true and go for treatment.
Thanks Lekdao for replying..i am still tinking if to try the Thong Chai actually, but its quite a distance from my place and the hours spent too. However, budget is tight to go private docs..not too sure how much chinese doc cost??

As you mentioned, it wil take some im worried on the expenses spent on the many trips to chinese hubby is ok to go too. However, work schedule dun allow him to have much time to go often. Heard from a friend, need to follow up every month, 2 times at least i tink..

Actually im the one who is more anxious hubby believe what's to come wil come..take it easy. Perhaps he is right too, i tink im like too stress out about it all..worried about wasting more and more time as im getting older and not conceiving yet.


New Member
Hi Diana,

We're currently having unprotected sex. We're not actively trying for #2. If we have, we have, if we dont't then we might seek help later on.

I was on 2 rounds of chlomid before I got pregnant with my first. But I was also back at my gynae's office almost every month just after my AF to monitor my ovulation.

Hi travellingrain,

Yes, blocked tubes is also know as endometriosis. It is caused by the back flow of menstral blood which forms clots in the tubes.

Dr Peter Chew is at GlenE medical center. He did a scan for me, did lapo, asked my hubby to go for sperm test, put me on ovulation medication, put my hubby on meds as well to make his sperm "stronger" and I had to go back to his clinic almost every month to monitor my ovulation.

But I've to say that the waiting time at his clinic is horrendous...
Hi diymummy

I heard about the back flow of menstrual blood!didnt realise it wil actually cause blocked this sounds like chinese med will be able to help.. my friend did tell me to take bai fong wan, but im lazy last time so never really take, she say will help to clear clots.. not too sure if its true.
My hubby also taking multi-vits now, to see if can improve.

Can i ask how much does lapo cost?And is it painful??
Seems like you had a hard time with the treatments before conceiving your baby!
Thumbs up for you and yr hubby! Hope your baby no 2 comes soon..let us know your gd news ok!