Recent content by Byron333

  1. B

    Natural Remedy for lowering blood sugar level

    It's good natural remedy to lower the blood sugar. The diabetics persons can help a lot from this remedy to control their diabetes. Thanks for sharing such valuable natural remedy for the blood sugar.
  2. B

    Drinking water the first thing in the morning

    Drinking water at morning with empty stomach helps a lot to improve our health and fitness and control a number of diseases. It helps to control the cholesterol level and burn the excessive body fat. It's also good for the stomach health and stabilize the digestive system.
  3. B

    Losing Weight in 15 days :) is not a dream

    Yes, it is possible to lose the weight within 15 days. I have lost 10 kg weight within two weeks, but I have to do the hard work for this weight reduction. I have to do two hours Cardio workout daily and took a strict weight loss diet consisting fruit juices, salads, and vegetable soups.
  4. B

    Mango Sago Recipe!

    Good recipe for the mango sago. I like your this recipe and learned a lot how to make mango sago. Thanks for sharing this recipe.
  5. B


    Here is Byron a newbie for this site. I recently joined this site and found it is a good discussion board. Here I am looking to discuss and share different matters.