Recent content by PRINCESSES

  1. P

    tooth decay

    Hi mummies how do u deal with tooth decays in toddlers? Which dentist would you recommend and what are yr experience like? Is it costly and are there dentals that accept CDAs payment? Thks in advance
  2. P

    Natural Birth

    Hi.. I'm sure u can do it!! I've given birth by normal delivery thrice w/o any pain relief!! 1time I did use the laughing gas as nurse suggested but mayb my technique of breathing is wrong.. So it doesn't works for me n end up I don't use it :D I just concentrate on deep breathing once...
  3. P

    My princess contracted UTI recently!!

    Chrissytan- mummy , know how u feeling.. My daughter had it when she was 10mths old.. Same like yr daughter gg thru now.. She had to take antibiotics til one fine day her fever just went away.. Uti in infants especially girls is easy to get cos of the way their private parts are .. Hygiene is v...
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    My princess contracted UTI recently!!

    Hi if i remember correctly, as long as the fever is still there, the infection is still in her urinary tract.. She has to tAke the prescribed anti biotics until the infection is cleared.. Since the scan results are fine, I think she's gonna get well soon .. It's gd news too since her fever is...
  5. P

    after csect ..

    I'm bfeeding too .. Wondering will my menses return soon ?
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    after csect ..

    Blood discharge as in lochia after csect.. I recently gave birth by csect n found that my lochia is v little.. Unlike normal vaginal delivery, where lochia can be v v v heavy even up til a week or 2 n gradually lesser n last til a mth. During csect, they put me on a so called drainage bottle...
  7. P

    after csect ..

    Did u give birth by csect too SJMom?
  8. P

    Breastfeeding advise

    Hi, my advice is to keep latching.. I gave birth abt 2 weeks ago. As I was on csect , I had to stay for few days b4 discharged .. At hospital I keep latching n told the nurses that I want to total bf . Milk will not come in until after few days of birth but if u get baby to latch, milk will...
  9. P

    after csect ..

    Is it true if we underwent csect , the blood discharge will be lesser? And how fast wld I know if I'm menstruating again??
  10. P

    Bc registration for babies born in KKH

    Hi Nessa.. Thks.. Hehe means the fees is still the same as 2 years ago :) Thks again
  11. P

    Bc registration for babies born in KKH

    Hello all mummies, Anyone recently gave birth in KKH? Wanna know how much is the fees for making the birth cert now? Thk you
  12. P

    Food to avoid when bf - esp if want to prevent colic

    Hello mummies, Thumbs up for bumping this thread lol I used to be like some, so paranoid and clueless as to what we can eat and wat can't.. And it gets so depressing haha especially if mum cooked spicy Asam pedas dish and the thought of ," oh wld love to eat that but I dun want baby to get...
  13. P

    Any malay/muslim mummies ard???

    Slm fandton, Wahhh another otw .. Hehe tunggu masa je tu Alhamdulillah baby dah Engaged!! Hehe syukur Now don't stress2 and relax and think happy thoughts ok!! :) 39 is a nice number .. Soon2 ntah2 hari ni ;D Apapun, gd luck Smoga dipermudahkan sgala nye :)
  14. P

    Any malay/muslim mummies ard???

    Salam rditp, You can try drinking milk, eat bread and eggs. Some Chinese say durians but I think durians are heaty la.. But if u do eat durians, maybe u can try in moderation la. Personally I won't worry too much cos the weight that they give us are usually estimation.. And during the last few...
  15. P

    Any malay/muslim mummies ard???

    Salam lizasaifi Hope u and lil one is in the pink of health :) I'm slightly over 30weeks now.. Alhamdulillah last APPT I asked for my cough and runny nose med but tk mkn satu pun haha...Tk tahu kenapa pulak tk mkn ubat2 tu hehe.. ;p Anyway alhamdulillah I'm fine now. Nowadays feel so heavy and...