Recent content by sillymummy

  1. S

    Interested to slim down via acupuncture. Any recommendation?

    Hi laypeng, thks for your recommendation to your consultant. i already called up to make appointment with her already. wanted to me like to lose so much weight, 14kg is really alot especially in so short time.
  2. S

    Interested to slim down via acupuncture. Any recommendation?

    Hi laypeng, saw ya in msn too. shall chat more then. yeah sure, i had bookef consultation with your consultant and i am going for consultation this thursday. See you guys there :Dancing_tongue:
  3. S

    Let's motivate each other n SLIM down together!!!

    Hi Laypeng, Thanks for your email. saw u on msn too. let's chat there :Dancing_wub:. that will be easier for me. i saw you have one baby girl already? congrats! i am now preparing on losing weight to conceive. i wish to lose 7kg, wow, 14kg in how long? tat's good result.
  4. S

    Let's motivate each other n SLIM down together!!!

    Hi laypeng added U! I want to know more about your programme, need to lose some weight. see uu. :shyxxx:
  5. S

    Interested to slim down via acupuncture. Any recommendation?

    Hi hi laypeng, interested in your program, may i get your consultant's contact from you? i want to go for consultation TQ!may i add u in msn as well? :shyxxx: