Recent content by snop

  1. S

    Maha Bodhi Primary School Alumni

    Thanks for all the responses......we are just being kiasu,lol p.s Edy, i'll PM you again, thanks so much for the offer
  2. S

    Maha Bodhi Primary School Alumni

    It is the alumni and it did ask for the sigantures of the proposer and seconder and both need to be current members.... 菩 提 学 校 校 友 会 MAHA BODHI SCHOOL ALUMNI Singapore Post Centre PO Box 735 Singapore 914025 website: ???? APPLICATION FOR ORDINARY MEMBERSHIP 普 通 会 员 证 申 请 表 格
  3. S

    Maha Bodhi Primary School Alumni

    Anyone from the alumni willing to sponsor me in? I'm an ex student but in order to get into the alumni, I need an additional 2 sponsors....... I can be contacted at, help would be much appreciated.....